Saturday, October 06, 2018

Shopping Saturday

A short interlube in the style of those old letters from my youth - the weird stream of conciousness that seemed to abound at that time. So....... today my little fruit pastules we ventured forth unto the big town scape. Our change chinking in our pocketses. A few bargains forsooth did we buy, including 6 DVD's from Age Concern ? 25p each! Wow! Zonk! Blip! etc. Let's use up all those exclaimation marks!! Obscurities and some well known films including James Bond's "Never Say Never", "The Last Station" a South American film that won the Palm Dore in Cannes some years ago, "Devils Rejects" a horror thing, and a couple more I forget. 25p though! Wow! etc. The town was very quite despite the flags and bunting flapping about. Some sort of street performance going on this afternoon. We ummed and ahhhed whether to go aong or not and in the end we didn't. Looked on YiuTube and realised it was mostly aimed at kids. So we stayed at home to blog and collage and gather our stuff together for the enamelling course ( well, Hazel did ) . She's off to Sussex for three days - meeting up with Archie on Monday to give hime his birthday presents and have some lunch before gettin' the train to Chichester. Pooped in the Iceland shop for some food stuffs to keep me going whilst she is away. Lovely olives and cheese chunks , bagels, salady stuff and burgers etc. Yumsville! I don't know if I can keep this up! Oh well. Such is life! Back to the drooling board.

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