Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

Trent and Mersey Canal Walk

This mornings Bank Holiday Monday walk to the park and along the Trent & Mersey canal. Saw a heron flying about. Lots of do walkers and mad looking dogs. Boats being re-furbished. Cloudy but sun popped out briefly.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Blakemere Boot sale

 Sorry for slightly blurry photo.  Hazel's bargains from the boot sael this morning - penultimate of the year at Blakemere.  The usual pitch was taken over by a fun fair so the filed opposite was used - a bit hilly but lots of room for over 100 cars.  Hazel got all the "bargains" - I didn't get anything , although I looked through heaps of DVD's, records, books and other junk.  Nothing really caught my eye.  Nevermind, it was nice to have a rummage. Not many wearing masks or keeping their distance - no wonder the Covid is up to 38, 000 a day!  Was at the Co-op earlier for the "chicken run" and soon to will be going over to Lostock to take the chicken and other foodsuffs to Granma and Audrey.  Nice sunny day and warming up .

Thursday, August 26, 2021

River Dane Walk

 This mornings walk to the River Dane and the Community Orchard.  Picked a few more blackberries for the apple and blackberry cake that Hazel made this afternoon. A lone fisherman packing his van full of nets, rods and reels.  He ignored our cheery "good morning" - maybe he didn't catch anything?  Saw a few dragonflies.  The corn is getting higher but not as high as this time last year.  Nice to get out in the sun shine.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Marbury Country Park

 Nice walk in Marbury the other day. The sun was shining for once and we danced through the greenery and nearly fell down a badger set!   Not really - we did enjoy the fresh air though.  It was quite intoxicating!   The badger set had a trap nearby with a notice on it - all about the badger vaccine they were testing.  They assured us no badgers would be harmed or injected with tiny robots like in that sci-fi film.   Maybe I just dreamt it?   Anyway, we had the obligotory walk round the garden centre and Hazel bought a few plants for the hanging basktes that look a bit sad at the moment. Some for her Mom and sister also. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Whitegate Way

 Soggy walk around Whitgate after a sad rainy boot sale nearby . Only four cars selling mysterious objects under plastic sheets.  Sheets whisked away as we approached to reveal sundry household items and knick-knacks beneath.  Hazel bought a large decorative candle, a small bowl and glass pie crust lifter.  I didn't see anything I wanted.  The men at the gate were very apologetic at how sparse the field was.  No matter we said - nice to come out for a walk!   After a short walk between the four cars in the soggy field we went to Whitgate Way for a longer walk down the old former railway track for half a mile or so and then back again passing joggers and cyclists along the way.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Marsden and High Peak

 Drizzly couple of days in Marsden visting old chum Dave and doing some chores. Found time for some walks around the beautiful hills and vales. Tanya took us on a tour of the moors up where she lives. Stopped off in Glossop on the way back. Got some DVD's inc.  What's New Pussycat and that one with banjo players and rednecks out in the wilds of Dakota, Nebraska?  It all ends rather badly. Also CD's of Tracy Chapman AND Patty Smith's "Horses".  50p each.  got a few bits from M&S and used their fascilities.  Home by 1pm for cheese and crackers.  Still drizzly.  What a geat August!  Still better than forest fires and hurricanes etc.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Doodly Doodly Doo



 This mornings walk around town to do some shopping and then to Carey Park to pick some blackberries. Picked so many we had to give half to Hazel's Mom and sister . They tried to give us a tiny portion of rhubarb but we declined.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Fishing Ponds Walk

 Another walk down to the fishing ponds and Communal orchard yesterday.  The weather brightened up in the afternoon so we ventured out to stretch our limbs and breath some fresh air.  Quite busy down there for a change - lots of activity round the orchard as Transition make a new path from the entrance to the railway bridge.  Hope it's not going to be gravel.  Crucn! crucnh crunch!  Crump!  Saw three very large dragonflies. They flew off before I could get my camera out.  You'll just have to believe me!  Also a kingfisher that wasa flash of turquoise and was gone - so no picture there either!   Not a very good nature photographer am I.  Hazel always laughs when I'm fumbling for my camera and get snap of a rabbits white tuft vanishing into the distance!  Sometimes hardly that!