Friday, October 19, 2018


Nice sunny morning in Chester with Hazel. Shopping and wandering the quaint old cobbled streets. Hazel went off to clothes shops etc. and found some wool for a new jumper that Granma and Audrey have promised to knit. I did the charity shops and the market. Didn't find anything. Enjoyed being out in the sunshine and listening to buskers. They were a bit thin on the ground today - a dreary trio of old geezers playing Dylan type dirges and a lady bag piper! You have to admire their fortitude when it's still quite nippy and in these tough pre-brexshit times people are reluctant to put their hands in their pockets for small change. Had a cheap vege sausage roll from the Pound Bakery for lunch and sat by the buskers trying filter out the worst of the bum notes and crumbs. The to the coffee shop nearby for a de-caff capacino and sneaky sweet. Home via the Park and Ride. Back by 2 pm.

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