Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Rose croft, Brentwood - 14th August 1973

Dearly Departed, Grr! The idiot pig and turkey salvationist has started his internal infernal combusty engine grass devourer! What a horrible noys it iz to! Pervading the peace and quiet I have assured myself this sunny restful butterfly on the page of the afternoon. Stream of conciousness old thing, wot ho! Ta for your bon letter. I've juts washed 2 pounds of waste products and lumps of coke from my hair! Now my luxurient auburn tresses are blowing in the wind, quick, I must chase after them! It seem to me you have a rather morbid interest in weddings, to name but one!? The sooner you snap out of it the better! That'll be 3 guineas please, thankyou, Ting! Where do you get all those halves of A. Rackham's cards from a? It seems to me that H. finishes with M. once a fortnight! The sooner she snaps out of it the better. That'll be another 3 guineas please, thanks, Tinngg"! Quite a profitable day today! I found some more lead animals and soldiers, also an old dinky tractor, some 78's which I left in the cab of the dust cart, so they'll surely be blobs of melted plastic by now! What Elsie? Oh , yes, a pair of brown suede, swade? cowboy boots with silly fringes I've cut off. I was certainly glad to finish today, in this heat it's no fun I can tell you! Amazingly we finished at 2 o'clock, almost as good as 1pm yesterday. It seems we work faster in the heat, which doesn't really make sense.?! Still, nothing much makes sense on our lorry! Never made a birthday card in my life! The very idea! I'll see what I can rustle up. You realise I don't have much time for "that sort of thing" these workadays. Yes, I hope to go to France at the end of September, as soon as I have enough Franks and Centipedes. My hair has soon dried in the sun. Nasty little crawlies everywhere - insects too. I also found a "spud gun". Apples are much in evidence here, useful ammo, to hurl at greedy tom cats who lust after little black mog, and her plate of morsels. That's all for the bean time. Au revoire, Michele le Bins dans le jollie maison du pong.

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