Had a nice walk this afternoon to Marbury to feed ducks our bags of stale bread we'd collected over the holidays. They were mad for it! Lots of fights and scuffles broke out and we had to step in to pull them apart! Swans and geese joined in too- they must have been really hungry.
Having a quiet night in and will drink a toast with some Bucks Fizz at midnight and let off sopme rockets we saved from November 5th if I can keep awake that long! Cheers!
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Mr Happy ( a sneaky addition by Hazel)
Michael also left his Blog logged on so I can add a page to his blog...little does he know.
I thought this would be a good one to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all....
Hazel x
I thought this would be a good one to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all....
Hazel x
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
There it was - gone!
Well Christmas has come and gone again in a flash and we are almost back to normal again except for the bloated feeling and the slight hangover. It went pretty much to plan with no upsets though Granma had to have her tooth out the day before Xmas Eve , so that wasnt so good for her, but she seemed O.K. when we went round for our Chritsmas dinner . She had to cut her turkey up really small. I made a nut roast with chestnuts, walnuts, cashews and variious roasted seeds which was very nice even though I say so myself. We had to take our own Marmite and onion gravy too. Archie took his new guitar which you can see here- trying to crack granma's ornaments! Even though she is partially deaf she had no trouble hearing him! Argh! The poor neighbours! Out of all his presents this is the one that is picked up constantly, so a good choice. The 99p balancing tops are a favourite too.
After dinner and the huge pile of washing we sat down to play games like Cluedo but we all felt shattered by this time and dozed off in front of the telly watching Shrek or whatever it was.
Yesterday was a quieter day with some more games- Ludo, Coppit and cards etc. and more TV and hazel and Archie went into the garden to burn all the wrapping paper and boxes. For lunch we had the rest of the nut roast and some of granma's trfle for pudding. Pulled the home-made crackers that Roger and Jilly sent and wore silly hats. Mine had "Mr. Happy" scrawled on it. I'm not sure if this was supposed to be ironic or not? But I was happy most of the time and felt a warm glow of contentment being at home with the family. How lucky am I?
After dinner and the huge pile of washing we sat down to play games like Cluedo but we all felt shattered by this time and dozed off in front of the telly watching Shrek or whatever it was.
Yesterday was a quieter day with some more games- Ludo, Coppit and cards etc. and more TV and hazel and Archie went into the garden to burn all the wrapping paper and boxes. For lunch we had the rest of the nut roast and some of granma's trfle for pudding. Pulled the home-made crackers that Roger and Jilly sent and wore silly hats. Mine had "Mr. Happy" scrawled on it. I'm not sure if this was supposed to be ironic or not? But I was happy most of the time and felt a warm glow of contentment being at home with the family. How lucky am I?
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Excursion to Crewe.
The market was pretty quiet at Crewe today with half the stalls taken over my xmassy things like holly wreaths and wrapping paper etc. Hardly any junk to look through. I didn't find one bargain which is unusual for me. Hazel got a few stocking fillers though and the pork pie her Mom wanted. Also some spinning tops.
We decided not to look for the bigger shops like Currys and Dixons etc. and come home again as we were hungry.
Archies gone to see the "Narnia" film today with the school and this afternoon an assembly and prize giving. After we are going to see Granma Jones as it's her birthday.
We decided not to look for the bigger shops like Currys and Dixons etc. and come home again as we were hungry.
Archies gone to see the "Narnia" film today with the school and this afternoon an assembly and prize giving. After we are going to see Granma Jones as it's her birthday.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Week Buzzing By!
Its hard to keep up sometimes - this last week seems to have whizzed by. Time to catch up.
On Wednesday went into town again and found a DVD of old Felix the Cat films from the 20's. They hadnt even been digitally restored - just filmed as they were projected onto an old bed sheet hung up between some railings in an industrial estate somewhere? Hazel went for staff meal at weird shack in seedy part of Manchester. she said it was lovely food but the photo of the outside looked pretty scary with old car tyres and rubbish lying about outside the mean streets.
Thursday was mostly forgotten. I sent out some more cards I think?
Friday I walked into town again for some exercise and swapped the dodgy PS2 controller for a new one as it had been sticking and driving us mad. The shop assistant happily swapped it but said most people dont bother to bring them back as they "obviously will wear out if you use them a lot" and are happy to buy another! What an idiot!
Also got some ink cartridges at a reduced price but even so they were very expensive. We tried the recycled ones but they last 5 minutes.
Watched the last of Bleak House which has been very enjoyable - the best thing on the telly all week apart from Creature Comforts.
Went to see the new King Kong film on Saturday which was excellent but very l-o-n-g! Too long really. I think they could have trimmed at least 30 minutes off it. Cinema only half full despite a big Q to start with.Hazel dropped us off at the Regal and went shopping for three hours as she didnt fancy three hours of screaming and monkey noises.
Very cold with a thick frost over the weekend.
Went to our old neighbours place in the nearby village for drinks and "light supper". I drank three glasses of mulled wine and felt very Christmassy ( tiddly).
Today it was the shopping again and a haircut. I can feel the wind whistling round my ears now. Hazel has been clearing out cupboards of junk and throwing more stuff away. Finding things for her blogs and some old sketchbooks.
The "Snap Fly" was an invention for SNAP comic which folded soon after I was introduced to it by Ivor Cutler. Typical! This was my first and last commission. It was published by Walker Books who had offices just around the corner from where we used to live.
On Wednesday went into town again and found a DVD of old Felix the Cat films from the 20's. They hadnt even been digitally restored - just filmed as they were projected onto an old bed sheet hung up between some railings in an industrial estate somewhere? Hazel went for staff meal at weird shack in seedy part of Manchester. she said it was lovely food but the photo of the outside looked pretty scary with old car tyres and rubbish lying about outside the mean streets.
Thursday was mostly forgotten. I sent out some more cards I think?
Friday I walked into town again for some exercise and swapped the dodgy PS2 controller for a new one as it had been sticking and driving us mad. The shop assistant happily swapped it but said most people dont bother to bring them back as they "obviously will wear out if you use them a lot" and are happy to buy another! What an idiot!
Also got some ink cartridges at a reduced price but even so they were very expensive. We tried the recycled ones but they last 5 minutes.
Watched the last of Bleak House which has been very enjoyable - the best thing on the telly all week apart from Creature Comforts.
Went to see the new King Kong film on Saturday which was excellent but very l-o-n-g! Too long really. I think they could have trimmed at least 30 minutes off it. Cinema only half full despite a big Q to start with.Hazel dropped us off at the Regal and went shopping for three hours as she didnt fancy three hours of screaming and monkey noises.
Very cold with a thick frost over the weekend.
Went to our old neighbours place in the nearby village for drinks and "light supper". I drank three glasses of mulled wine and felt very Christmassy ( tiddly).
Today it was the shopping again and a haircut. I can feel the wind whistling round my ears now. Hazel has been clearing out cupboards of junk and throwing more stuff away. Finding things for her blogs and some old sketchbooks.
The "Snap Fly" was an invention for SNAP comic which folded soon after I was introduced to it by Ivor Cutler. Typical! This was my first and last commission. It was published by Walker Books who had offices just around the corner from where we used to live.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Archie 's Interview.

We were searching through Google to see how Archie was doing with his animations and came across this INTERVIEW from the Cornerhouse website that was alos published in their monthly magazine. Also a whole page of mentions about the various film festivals his films have been seen at and mail art sites I have dropped his name over the years.
Curios Tuesday
Unlucky for some. It wasnt too bad actually despite the heavy shopping bag weighing me down and making my arms ache. I looked round for a bus but by that time I'd spent all my money anyway! Found a few bits and bobs for under the tree including a PC game about planet colonising and space station building for Archie. He likes all those Zoo, City, Rollercoaster Tycoon etc. type build up an empire games so he'll probably like this. Also some Popeye films on DVD from the 50's that have a couple of great old Fleischer Bros. animations sprinkled in between. A bargain for two quid in a charity shop. Bought a calender for next year to write reminders on- dentist appiontments, holidays, etc. Some typing and copying paper and sellotape. Found "Kid A" by radiohead for 50p which must be a bargain. I havent really liked much of what they do though- all sounds a bit doomy and gloomy to me. Also "We Are Scientists" from the library which is good and reminds me of Franz Ferdinand and The Kaiser Chiefs a bit.
The postman has just been. A card and nice letter from someone who I used to work with and they moved to Amsterdam a few years back and I lost touch with them so that was nice. No address on the letter or envelope though so hope the old one will find them. Posted tons of cards and packets today. The post box was full and they all slid out again so had to find another to stick them in!
A bit out of date but you can find a page about my Gocco exploits a couple of years ago courtesy of Mark Pawson HERE.
The postman has just been. A card and nice letter from someone who I used to work with and they moved to Amsterdam a few years back and I lost touch with them so that was nice. No address on the letter or envelope though so hope the old one will find them. Posted tons of cards and packets today. The post box was full and they all slid out again so had to find another to stick them in!
A bit out of date but you can find a page about my Gocco exploits a couple of years ago courtesy of Mark Pawson HERE.
Friday, December 09, 2005
More Crimble Shopping.
This is an old booklet I used to make around the festive yule-tide to swap with mail artists and amuse my friends with at Xmas. I dont make them anymore. I'm all Christmassed out.
Last night went to the schools "World Fusion " evening which was mostly depressing playettes and songs about death, poverty, AIDS, global warming etc. They could have lightened the mood a bit with something cheerful at this time of year! Bring back the panto! Archie was in a short piece about a black boy being bullied. Archie was a bully and had to say "He's black!" and "Blacky!" etc. and strike a pose as another group on the stage did there bit about the Greenhouse Effect and so on. Sheer torture! Hazel escaped by being at college all day and having a lecture to sort out when she got home but i think she was really watching the Culture Show.
She said it was weird at the college today as they are filming a future episode of Coronation Street in the main gallery and she kept seeing members of the cast and even walked to work with Sanita- a strange parrallel universe she'd been sucked into.
I went to town and didn't see anyone famous. The library book sale was still on but didn't find anything else. I bought a book about horror films in the Help The Aged shop to cut up. I already have it.
Also some small presents. Also milk and bread.
Walked home as it was quite a pleasant day , milder than of late. Found some packets and other mail on the doorstep so presume our usual postman is away or ill. Have been making more Xmas cards and putting them in envelopes.
Last night went to the schools "World Fusion " evening which was mostly depressing playettes and songs about death, poverty, AIDS, global warming etc. They could have lightened the mood a bit with something cheerful at this time of year! Bring back the panto! Archie was in a short piece about a black boy being bullied. Archie was a bully and had to say "He's black!" and "Blacky!" etc. and strike a pose as another group on the stage did there bit about the Greenhouse Effect and so on. Sheer torture! Hazel escaped by being at college all day and having a lecture to sort out when she got home but i think she was really watching the Culture Show.
She said it was weird at the college today as they are filming a future episode of Coronation Street in the main gallery and she kept seeing members of the cast and even walked to work with Sanita- a strange parrallel universe she'd been sucked into.
I went to town and didn't see anyone famous. The library book sale was still on but didn't find anything else. I bought a book about horror films in the Help The Aged shop to cut up. I already have it.
Also some small presents. Also milk and bread.
Walked home as it was quite a pleasant day , milder than of late. Found some packets and other mail on the doorstep so presume our usual postman is away or ill. Have been making more Xmas cards and putting them in envelopes.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Manchester trip

Went to Manchester yesterday and stayed over night at a hotel near the Cornerhouse where Archie's animations were showing at the Under Exposed student film festival. It was pouring with rain by the time Archie and I got to Piccadilly Station and we had to walk through great puddles all the way to the Cornerhouse where we met Hazel, who had been at college all day. We dropped out stuff off at the hotel just round the corner which was quite spacious and clean and dried off a bit before walking to the Continental market behind the imposing grandeur of Manchester Town Hall which has a huge plastic Santa climbing over the roof. The market is great and full of intriguing stalls of bubbling cauldrons of spicey soups and sauerkraut. Great rotating grills of sausage and kebabs were roasting over fires blazing under awnings groaning with holly and misteltoe etc. A brass band played carols nearby to complete a very festive scene. We all had delicious dutch pancakes which were tiny but very filling , covered in cream and chocolate sauce ( had lemon juice ). Archie bought some gingerbread and brandy snaps.
Then we had a pizza before the showing at 8.i5 at the Cornerhouse cinema 2, down in the basement which was a sell-out. Lucky to get seats ourselves as they forgot to put any aside for us.
A short interview conducted by Ra from the Cornerhouse with Soup Collective who make promos and films for bands like Elbow and Snow Patrol etc. Then the films in competition including Archies which was well recieved and won the runner up prize, we leaned today.
I didn't sleep very well in the hotel although it was perfectly comfortable. I never do in a strange bed though and woke up several times wondering where I was!
After breakfast at the college we wandered back to the Cornerhous for the next showing with Archie's films in the shorts section for Students ( last night was for everyone ). A bit rowdy with groups from several schools and youth groups attending. Some good films though and there was a raffle too which I won ( book about horror films and Corpse Bride T-shirt) so a pretty good day all round. Caught the 12.26 p.m. train from Piccadilly to Northwich and home by two. Had some japanese fishy/rice snacks on the rain as a treat. Archie has gone off to ski practice now with the school - a busy boy!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Overtaking the slow cars.
I think they must have been digging the road up somewhere because the traffic was at a crawl today into town. It was quite nice to actually walk faster than they were moving and get there before them. I felt quite smug and healthy as they fumed in their Ford Mondeos and Robin Reliants etc.
No rare Beatle Beat record at the Oxfam today. Nothing infact. I got some butter, bread and bananas- everything beginning with the letter "B".
Ex-Beatle George was next on the Concert for Bangla Desh DVD borrowed from the library. I never saw it at the cinema so nice to see now. The hair in it was phenomenal! Everyone had beards and moustaches, even the women!
Bought a video at the library sale too for a quid. "24 Hour Party People" with Steve Coogan and Peter Kay. It's about Tony Wilson and the Manchester rock scene of the 80's. I think Peter Kay plays Morrisey in it.
Walked home despite the heavy bag of shopping. Collected all the hair and fluff in the bedroom. Hazel is going to knit a vest with it. Hoovered the rabbit and cleaned out the hutch. Those big Sunday papers are so useful aren't they?
No rare Beatle Beat record at the Oxfam today. Nothing infact. I got some butter, bread and bananas- everything beginning with the letter "B".
Ex-Beatle George was next on the Concert for Bangla Desh DVD borrowed from the library. I never saw it at the cinema so nice to see now. The hair in it was phenomenal! Everyone had beards and moustaches, even the women!
Bought a video at the library sale too for a quid. "24 Hour Party People" with Steve Coogan and Peter Kay. It's about Tony Wilson and the Manchester rock scene of the 80's. I think Peter Kay plays Morrisey in it.
Walked home despite the heavy bag of shopping. Collected all the hair and fluff in the bedroom. Hazel is going to knit a vest with it. Hoovered the rabbit and cleaned out the hutch. Those big Sunday papers are so useful aren't they?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sneezin' Dan McGrew
Whoever he might be? I'm certainly doing my fair share of sneezing and snorting at the moment - full of this cold that Archie has passed onto us! Hazel has it too so fighting over the boxes of tissues and paracetamol and the hundred and one other cold medicines we seem to have aquired in our First Aid cupboard!
I did stagger into town yesterday, for exercise more than anything. It snowed on me half way and the big flakes turned into small grains of rice by the time I got to the railway bridge and then they vanished and the weather improved a bit. I didn't find much on my charity shop trail - just a story tape for Archie ( another stocking filler) and some CD's from the library. I found the latest from Futureheads, The Bravery and Arcade Fire which I've heard lots of good things about and enjoyed them when they were on Jools Hollands show on BBC2.
Hazel found this old postcard at the boot sale ( or was it me?) It's of Percy and his "chum" in Liverpool of all places in 1913. One wonders if they were sent off to the war a year later, and what became of them.
Glad to get home after walking back in the cold, to a nice warm house.
A nice pile of mail for a change with a wonderful envelope full of little home-made books from William S.An Ivor Cutler CD from Pamela and a packet of lovely collaged postcards from Angelica in Texas.
I did stagger into town yesterday, for exercise more than anything. It snowed on me half way and the big flakes turned into small grains of rice by the time I got to the railway bridge and then they vanished and the weather improved a bit. I didn't find much on my charity shop trail - just a story tape for Archie ( another stocking filler) and some CD's from the library. I found the latest from Futureheads, The Bravery and Arcade Fire which I've heard lots of good things about and enjoyed them when they were on Jools Hollands show on BBC2.
Hazel found this old postcard at the boot sale ( or was it me?) It's of Percy and his "chum" in Liverpool of all places in 1913. One wonders if they were sent off to the war a year later, and what became of them.
Glad to get home after walking back in the cold, to a nice warm house.
A nice pile of mail for a change with a wonderful envelope full of little home-made books from William S.An Ivor Cutler CD from Pamela and a packet of lovely collaged postcards from Angelica in Texas.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Boot Sale Silence.
I other words- i didn't find any scratchy records or any thing atall infact. Archie did quite well though - he got the Finding Nemo DVD for 3 quid ( two discs) and a PS2 game of Roller Coaster World which is even more tedious than Roller Coaster Tycoon! I think he may swap it for another quite soon. Hazel didnt find anything either. She took her Mom and sister there later and they bought a few nick-nacks. Afterwards we went into town to get some bread and general shopping. It was very quiet- mainly because it was Sunday but some shops did eventually open at 10a.m.
When we got home we found that the Finding Nemo had jam smeared on it! I knew it was a "special collectors edition" but didn't realise the head of Pixar would include jam? Thankfully the jam soon got cleaned off and the disc seems to play perfectly so it was a bargain after all.
Hazel has gone outside to the workshop to twiddle with her metal bits. Archie is sniffling and snorting still- feeling sorry for himself despite all the "bargains" he got. Colds, make you feel so lousy- I don't blame him. I think Hazel and I have caught it too as we both woke with sore throats and had a restless night- each blaming the other for stealing the duvet!
When we got home we found that the Finding Nemo had jam smeared on it! I knew it was a "special collectors edition" but didn't realise the head of Pixar would include jam? Thankfully the jam soon got cleaned off and the disc seems to play perfectly so it was a bargain after all.
Hazel has gone outside to the workshop to twiddle with her metal bits. Archie is sniffling and snorting still- feeling sorry for himself despite all the "bargains" he got. Colds, make you feel so lousy- I don't blame him. I think Hazel and I have caught it too as we both woke with sore throats and had a restless night- each blaming the other for stealing the duvet!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Cult figures of 2006.
This is a new mail art project by Ken Miller who has a different "cult figure" each year - usually a found photo. Find out more HERE.
Archie has a bad colb in de nobes so had the day off school. We had considered going into Manchester with Hazel to see John Hegley do a "lecture" on Inter-Active Arts course that Hazel works on. It would have been nice but Archie was full of cold and the train journey alone is enough to put you off going.Hazel phoned to say he was very good and it fitted very well into the Creative Methodology scheme of things.
Archie has been amusing himself with games , TV and reading. We played cards briefly and had a veg. sausage and fried onion sandwitch for lunch. A bloke just knocked at the door and thrust a leaflet into my hand. Another dodgy double glazing salesman. "I see you already have double glazing." he said and enquired "Do you need anymore?" My answer was in the negative. At least he apolygised for the intrusion and walked off - some just keep going on and on and on about double glazing even when you tell them you don't need any thankyou. I hate cold callers.
Time to go and get some dinner started. I think it might be stuffed pasta and tomato sauce tonight.

An old photo but a new recording of Archie's guitar progress. You can here a hissy sound bite HERE.
Archie has a bad colb in de nobes so had the day off school. We had considered going into Manchester with Hazel to see John Hegley do a "lecture" on Inter-Active Arts course that Hazel works on. It would have been nice but Archie was full of cold and the train journey alone is enough to put you off going.Hazel phoned to say he was very good and it fitted very well into the Creative Methodology scheme of things.
Archie has been amusing himself with games , TV and reading. We played cards briefly and had a veg. sausage and fried onion sandwitch for lunch. A bloke just knocked at the door and thrust a leaflet into my hand. Another dodgy double glazing salesman. "I see you already have double glazing." he said and enquired "Do you need anymore?" My answer was in the negative. At least he apolygised for the intrusion and walked off - some just keep going on and on and on about double glazing even when you tell them you don't need any thankyou. I hate cold callers.
Time to go and get some dinner started. I think it might be stuffed pasta and tomato sauce tonight.
An old photo but a new recording of Archie's guitar progress. You can here a hissy sound bite HERE.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Flo's typing her memoires.
Thats what it sounds like anyway but really just the water dispenser wired to her hutch being used.
Just back from town looking rather windswept but it's milder today despite the hail stones bouncing off the window just now. Quite windy too. Leaves everywhere. I didn't find much though a good copy of Tim Hunkin's book about Everything for a pound in a charity shop.
Yesterday we were startled by someone rattling our front door - I assumed it was the postman trying to force a large packet through our letterflap. I opened the front door and this woman was in our porch with a big bunch of keys trying frantically to remove one from our key-hole! She looked startled and said "Is this Mr. Wilberforces house- she phoned to say she was stuck in bed?" Seems she was from the Social Services or the Council Help Squad or something and had got the numbers mixed up. The house she wanted was on the other side of the road about 10 doors down! Oh how we laughed!
I got a nice packet from an old tape swapper pal who had sent me a cassette of some rare Johnny Standley and Spike Jones he had found. I put some tracks on my Boot Sale Sounds blog. Coincidentally another tape swapper Jim in Basingstoke phoned during the day to find out if I had anything new. I told him I'd just been to the dentist for a check-up and got a 30 minute tale about the misfortunes that have befallen his gnashers over the last 30 years! Thankfully nothing alarming happened at the dental surgery- just a routine check and hygenist scrape and polish afterwards. Glad to get that over with - I've never been very good at going to the dentist but better than I was.
Just back from town looking rather windswept but it's milder today despite the hail stones bouncing off the window just now. Quite windy too. Leaves everywhere. I didn't find much though a good copy of Tim Hunkin's book about Everything for a pound in a charity shop.
Yesterday we were startled by someone rattling our front door - I assumed it was the postman trying to force a large packet through our letterflap. I opened the front door and this woman was in our porch with a big bunch of keys trying frantically to remove one from our key-hole! She looked startled and said "Is this Mr. Wilberforces house- she phoned to say she was stuck in bed?" Seems she was from the Social Services or the Council Help Squad or something and had got the numbers mixed up. The house she wanted was on the other side of the road about 10 doors down! Oh how we laughed!
I got a nice packet from an old tape swapper pal who had sent me a cassette of some rare Johnny Standley and Spike Jones he had found. I put some tracks on my Boot Sale Sounds blog. Coincidentally another tape swapper Jim in Basingstoke phoned during the day to find out if I had anything new. I told him I'd just been to the dentist for a check-up and got a 30 minute tale about the misfortunes that have befallen his gnashers over the last 30 years! Thankfully nothing alarming happened at the dental surgery- just a routine check and hygenist scrape and polish afterwards. Glad to get that over with - I've never been very good at going to the dentist but better than I was.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Space Junk!
Christmas junk more like - the shops are full of it! I walked into town yesterday and looked around, trying not to slip on the icey pavements. Brrr! It was very frosty but warmed up as the morning went on. I borrowed a couple of CD's from the library - Maximo Park's "A Certain Trigger" which is exellent despite the lead singers very odd haircut which makes him look like an extra from Bleak House ( which we have been enjoying on the box ). Also the latest from Gorillaz which Archie wanted to hear.
A loaf of crusty wholemeal from Greggs. My teeth dont like it though - I think i may have a cracked filling so good job it's my six monthly checkup at the dentists next week.
I resisted the junk and got a couple of cheap DVD's. Quite a pile of them now and hardly any time to watch any though we did see the old David Lean version of Great Expectations the other evening. Strong on atmostphere but the dialogue was pretty naff- maybe it was the clipped posh english accents.
Archie's animation was seen by lots of people and shown to various teachers at the school who were duly impressed but still tight with the old vouchers or whatever they are called.
A loaf of crusty wholemeal from Greggs. My teeth dont like it though - I think i may have a cracked filling so good job it's my six monthly checkup at the dentists next week.
I resisted the junk and got a couple of cheap DVD's. Quite a pile of them now and hardly any time to watch any though we did see the old David Lean version of Great Expectations the other evening. Strong on atmostphere but the dialogue was pretty naff- maybe it was the clipped posh english accents.
Archie's animation was seen by lots of people and shown to various teachers at the school who were duly impressed but still tight with the old vouchers or whatever they are called.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
"Wheel" on TV
With a bit of luck Archie's animation "Wheel" , or at least a small snippet of it, will be shown on BBC's "Blue Peter" today and CBBC later on. So we are keeping our fingers crossed. "Wheel" is one of the short Flash animations that Archie got accepted by the UnderExposed Film Festival at the Cornerhouse in Manchester in December.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Spike Theatre

Went to see the Spike Theatre production of "Backwater" at the Harlequin Theatre in Northwich last night. Another fantastic show and sadly not many people there to see it. We'd seen previous shows by them so knew we wouldn't be disappointed. Only four actors but they are masters of the quick change so seems like more and they all play instruments. We love that physical theatre style and the sets and costumes are simple but very flexible so the hut by the fiord (its all set in Norway) changes into the school, the boat office and the home of Nora, the main character who finds her dead father's camera and begins to photograph the strange characters of her village and begins a journey of discovery.
Today we took Archie and James for their third skiing lesson at the artificial slopes at Runcorn. I was expecting a dreary industrial scene but the bit of Runcorn we went to was very green and leafy. The ski slopes are set in a big park and there is even a small steam narrow gauge railway nearby that I assume chuffs round the park perimeter.
It was quite busy with 30 or so children in Archie's group but luckily they got split into two groups and had two ski instructors to each group. They progressed onto the medium size slope this week doing some easy straight runs and then going backwards for some reason best known to themselves. I suppose it all helps to give confidence and get used to situations where you find yourself going backwards down the Alps! Archie fell over a couple of times but mostly seemd to be doing really well. He's keen to go back anyway which is the main thing. It's amazing to see toddlers flying down the bigger slope around the poles and made it look so effortless. I'm sure Archie and James will be doing that before too long.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Charity Market
It was the annual charity market today when all the stalls in the market hall are taken over by Greenpeace, Help The Otter, Mrs. Quimby's Slug Sactuary etc. Sadly they didnt advertise it very well and hardly anybody there. I only noticed a tiny poster in the Information Centre window quite by chance whilst looking at a poster for Jet Harris, on at the Winford Community Theatre (or whatever it's called?) in September.
So plenty of room which was good for me at least and I found a few stocking fillers, a nice cajun comp. Cd on the Ace label but alas no scratchy records suitable for Boot Sale Sounds. Last year I got a few so I had high hopes. Still, my plaid plastic shopping bag was heavy enough and i would have splashed out on a bus home if I'd seen one coming.
I found a CD by Kirsty MacColl in the library that I'd not heard before too.
Later I went out again to get some much needed wood chippings and pellets for Flo from the pet food shop nearby. They only had a giant sized "bale" of wood shavings so my arms were even longer by the time I got them home!
Angelica's parcel to Hazel has been full of suprises and we gather round every evening to see Hazel open another wrapped box of goodies. Angelica is obviously finely tuned to Hazel's wavelength via her blog as the gadgets and metal objects she has found are absolutely the things Hazel would dive on at boot sales if she could ever find things as bewitching as the patented Keyhole Lock or the folding set of wire coat hangers. The last box was opened tonight after she got home from college and inside was a beautiful travelling sewing set with thimble ,miniature cotton reels, needles and a wooden cone (?) that all snugly fit togther in a metal tube. As if this wasn't enough there was also a small lilliputian tin of Cork Grease and a splendid vintage Key Ring Hook on it;s original card. How Angelica is able to part with such wonders is beyond us! I expect it won't be long until they are all displayed proudly on Hazel's BLOG for all to see and admire.
So plenty of room which was good for me at least and I found a few stocking fillers, a nice cajun comp. Cd on the Ace label but alas no scratchy records suitable for Boot Sale Sounds. Last year I got a few so I had high hopes. Still, my plaid plastic shopping bag was heavy enough and i would have splashed out on a bus home if I'd seen one coming.
I found a CD by Kirsty MacColl in the library that I'd not heard before too.
Later I went out again to get some much needed wood chippings and pellets for Flo from the pet food shop nearby. They only had a giant sized "bale" of wood shavings so my arms were even longer by the time I got them home!
Angelica's parcel to Hazel has been full of suprises and we gather round every evening to see Hazel open another wrapped box of goodies. Angelica is obviously finely tuned to Hazel's wavelength via her blog as the gadgets and metal objects she has found are absolutely the things Hazel would dive on at boot sales if she could ever find things as bewitching as the patented Keyhole Lock or the folding set of wire coat hangers. The last box was opened tonight after she got home from college and inside was a beautiful travelling sewing set with thimble ,miniature cotton reels, needles and a wooden cone (?) that all snugly fit togther in a metal tube. As if this wasn't enough there was also a small lilliputian tin of Cork Grease and a splendid vintage Key Ring Hook on it;s original card. How Angelica is able to part with such wonders is beyond us! I expect it won't be long until they are all displayed proudly on Hazel's BLOG for all to see and admire.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Goodbye Gloomy Tuesday.
More rain today so stayed in to collage and blog a bit before Hazel got up and wanted to do some college work. Archie has gone round to James' Grans to play until dinner. I think we might have Broccoli Cheesy bake tonight - comfort food when the weather is like this.
Yesterday I walked into town and did the ususual tour of shops and the library etc. I didn't find much just some wrapping paper to wrap some early crimble presents that are starting to accumulate. I hate last minute shopping so have to start sometime in September!
Have been listening to some recording of the Tom Robinson show on 6 Music whilst collaging and he's playing some great stuff including Maximo Park , Field Music and a band called Viva Voce, who have a great new single out. His guests are good too- last night it was Andy Partridge of XTC fame playing songs from his boxed set of "Apple" demos and oddities that didnt quite make it to the XTC albums.
Yesterday I walked into town and did the ususual tour of shops and the library etc. I didn't find much just some wrapping paper to wrap some early crimble presents that are starting to accumulate. I hate last minute shopping so have to start sometime in September!
Have been listening to some recording of the Tom Robinson show on 6 Music whilst collaging and he's playing some great stuff including Maximo Park , Field Music and a band called Viva Voce, who have a great new single out. His guests are good too- last night it was Andy Partridge of XTC fame playing songs from his boxed set of "Apple" demos and oddities that didnt quite make it to the XTC albums.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Happy Annie Adversity!
I can't believe that Hazel forgot! It's usually me that forgets things. 22 years since our first date at the Guy Fawkes bonfire and fireworks party in Alsager where Hazel was studying for her degree in Forgetfulness! She's suitably embarressed and blames the college work load - just too much to think about.
Anyway I went into town this morning and found a few bargains including an old 78 shellac disc of The laughing bassoon by Charles Penrose who was famous ofcourse for the Laughing Policeman that got played to death on Children's Favourites on the radio. I'd love to feature it on Boot Sale Sounds but dont have the technology to transfer 78's to MP3 yet. I'm hoping Hazel's sister, Audrey, can copy it and some other 78's to a cassette on her new record player. Watch this space.
Also got a few DVD's for the pile- those from magazines they give away free. "Water Like Chocolate", "Only Fools and Horses" and "The Last Emporer" amongst them.
There's a bonfire and firework display at Verdin Park tonight so looking forward to that if its not raining.
Anyway I went into town this morning and found a few bargains including an old 78 shellac disc of The laughing bassoon by Charles Penrose who was famous ofcourse for the Laughing Policeman that got played to death on Children's Favourites on the radio. I'd love to feature it on Boot Sale Sounds but dont have the technology to transfer 78's to MP3 yet. I'm hoping Hazel's sister, Audrey, can copy it and some other 78's to a cassette on her new record player. Watch this space.
Also got a few DVD's for the pile- those from magazines they give away free. "Water Like Chocolate", "Only Fools and Horses" and "The Last Emporer" amongst them.
There's a bonfire and firework display at Verdin Park tonight so looking forward to that if its not raining.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Something Wonderful
Glad I went into town yesterday as it's drizzly today and hasn't stopped all morning.
I've been catching up with the mail and making some quick collaged postcards for the Postcard Swap at Flickr.
I also burned a couple of tracks of Jack Hulbert and Cicely Courtnedge for Boot Sale Sounds which I will add later today.
Yesterday I walked into town and back for exercise and went round the usual haunts, the Post Office, the library ( sale ended!) and the charity shops. I found a Rolf Harris LP for 50p in the red Cross shop which cheered me up. Sad eh? Its one I'd never seen before from 1973- the first variety concert at the newly opened Sydney Opera House. I added a couple of tracks to Boot Sale Sounds too.
Archie was 20 minutes late coming home from school so I naturally got worried and phoned the school to find out if he was still there. He turned up thankfully about 5 minutes later saying he's had to stay behind to draw a diagram for Miss Revel of where James had been kicked in the goolies by another boy. Poor James ,but it did make me smile. The phone rang a few minutes later and the teacher said they couldn't find him so I had to explain what had happened.
I borrowed a couple of CD's from the library- the hits of Basement Jaxx and a solo outing by Richard Thompson.
Also I bought some tap washers in town as the bathroom sink hot tap has been dripping annoyingly for the last month or so and was driving me mad. Amazingly after I had found the right tools in the shed it was quite easy to do. The old washer had disintegrated so surprised it hadn't been dripping more! Quite sense of achievement at completing such a simple task without a mild attack of Tourette's or throwing the monkey wrench out of the window!
I've been catching up with the mail and making some quick collaged postcards for the Postcard Swap at Flickr.
I also burned a couple of tracks of Jack Hulbert and Cicely Courtnedge for Boot Sale Sounds which I will add later today.
Yesterday I walked into town and back for exercise and went round the usual haunts, the Post Office, the library ( sale ended!) and the charity shops. I found a Rolf Harris LP for 50p in the red Cross shop which cheered me up. Sad eh? Its one I'd never seen before from 1973- the first variety concert at the newly opened Sydney Opera House. I added a couple of tracks to Boot Sale Sounds too.
Archie was 20 minutes late coming home from school so I naturally got worried and phoned the school to find out if he was still there. He turned up thankfully about 5 minutes later saying he's had to stay behind to draw a diagram for Miss Revel of where James had been kicked in the goolies by another boy. Poor James ,but it did make me smile. The phone rang a few minutes later and the teacher said they couldn't find him so I had to explain what had happened.
I borrowed a couple of CD's from the library- the hits of Basement Jaxx and a solo outing by Richard Thompson.
Also I bought some tap washers in town as the bathroom sink hot tap has been dripping annoyingly for the last month or so and was driving me mad. Amazingly after I had found the right tools in the shed it was quite easy to do. The old washer had disintegrated so surprised it hadn't been dripping more! Quite sense of achievement at completing such a simple task without a mild attack of Tourette's or throwing the monkey wrench out of the window!
Monday, October 31, 2005
All Hallows Eve
Here's that box lid I made a few years back in homage to mexican illustrator of Day Of The Dead - J.G. Posada. It seems appropriate for Halloween. Archie has been busy carving pumpkins again with my help. We did two small ones today to put in the window and light later. Now he's putting the finishing touches to a Guy Fawkes effigy he's made from dozens of toilet roll tubes and cartons. the head is a papier mache stuck to a balloon with streamer hair.
No school today - one extra day of half term. We have a stack of sweets for the kids who arrive. Archie is dressing up as DEATH again with a cowl and sythe and voice changer gizmo that makes him sound like Darth Vadar with a bad cold! He's going round with Thomas from over the road I think like they did last year.
No school today - one extra day of half term. We have a stack of sweets for the kids who arrive. Archie is dressing up as DEATH again with a cowl and sythe and voice changer gizmo that makes him sound like Darth Vadar with a bad cold! He's going round with Thomas from over the road I think like they did last year.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Pumpkins galore!
Looking for the boot sale today at the Cabbage Hall ( don't ask!) but didn't find it. It was raining so probably just as well. Went instead to the Farm Shop nearby which was massve and more like a delicatessen with hundreds of cheeses, wine, an olive selection, and tons of vegetables we suspect weren't grown anywhere near the farm! So we bought some garlic, assorted oily herby olives and a big stick of brussels for Audrey (it's the only veg. besides peas she will eat).
Home again for a second breakfast. Those Hobbits had the right idea!
Now it's the afternoon and hazel and Archie have gone for a ski lesson at the "pretend" ski slope over near Runcorn with James and his Mum. Archie is off to Austria next Feb. so needs some practise! He's never been before.
Luckily the sun has come out now so hopefully they had the same over there .
O yes, I forget to say that the farm shop also boasted the biggest selection of pumpkins I'd ever seen. Sadly, I left my camera at home , as did Hazel, so didnt take a photo of them.
Home again for a second breakfast. Those Hobbits had the right idea!
Now it's the afternoon and hazel and Archie have gone for a ski lesson at the "pretend" ski slope over near Runcorn with James and his Mum. Archie is off to Austria next Feb. so needs some practise! He's never been before.
Luckily the sun has come out now so hopefully they had the same over there .
O yes, I forget to say that the farm shop also boasted the biggest selection of pumpkins I'd ever seen. Sadly, I left my camera at home , as did Hazel, so didnt take a photo of them.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Pumpkin time!
Archie carved the traditional All Hallows Eve pumpkin yesterday afternoon. I made a curried pumpkin and mixed veg stew with the innerds but it wasnt one of my best! We'd run out of onions and garlic which might have helped the flavour a little. I'd forgotten just how mushy the pumpkin goes when boiled for some time. Oh well, it's only once a year!
This morning I walked into town and back for some exercise. The library had it's book sale again and all the books were being sold very cheaply - 5 for a quid! I found Archie some guitar music books - one of Eric Clapton tunes and another of classical pieces. Also the three volumes of George Melly' s amusing biography "Owning Up" in one paperback. I'd read most of them but not the first about his childhood in Liverpool so looking forward to that.
Another book was about the Glastonbury music festival from its early hippie days until now.
Needless to say , these all weighed me down quite a bit so I was careful not to buy any more stuff than I could help!
Our garden shed has sprung a leak and it seems the roofing felt has split after only 5 or 6 years. I was hoping it would last longer than that. Hazel bought two rolls of new from B & Q and I nailed it down over the old this afternoon as the weather was fine enough to do it. It only took a couple of hours and I only hit my thumbs twice , which must be some kind of record!
This morning I walked into town and back for some exercise. The library had it's book sale again and all the books were being sold very cheaply - 5 for a quid! I found Archie some guitar music books - one of Eric Clapton tunes and another of classical pieces. Also the three volumes of George Melly' s amusing biography "Owning Up" in one paperback. I'd read most of them but not the first about his childhood in Liverpool so looking forward to that.
Another book was about the Glastonbury music festival from its early hippie days until now.
Needless to say , these all weighed me down quite a bit so I was careful not to buy any more stuff than I could help!
Our garden shed has sprung a leak and it seems the roofing felt has split after only 5 or 6 years. I was hoping it would last longer than that. Hazel bought two rolls of new from B & Q and I nailed it down over the old this afternoon as the weather was fine enough to do it. It only took a couple of hours and I only hit my thumbs twice , which must be some kind of record!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Day trip to Manchester.

Just back from a tiring morning in Manchester. Had to get up at 6.00a.m. to get the train with Hazel. Had breakfast in the college canteen. Then we left Hazel to her tutoring and went to the Cornerhouse to see the drawings and models from the film "Corpse Bride" and hand in some forms about the Exposures Film Fest. that Archie is in. Tried to get some tickets but none available yet. Then to the Science Museum to see the "Story Rooms" exhibit of inter-active installations and sculptures which was fun. Archie particularly enjoyed the rooms with a big bean bag cushion to slump on and in an indentical room with a bean bag cushion another child was slumped and by means of some trickery the image on the TV screens around the room depicted two children on the same cushion! So it was fun to play at fights and arm wrestling etc. without human contact. Clever stuff. There was also a shed which you could go in and your image was projected into a small lilliputian shed in another room- and the person looking into the window of the tiny shed had their huge face projected onto the bigger sheds window!
After wandering around the steam engines and the cotton mills and the spinning jennys and the aeroplanes we went and had some lunch ouside in the warm October sunshine. Very warm it was too! One of the hottest October days for 50 years apparently.Phew! No wonder we were getting tired by this point and so we set off for the station via the city centre. Popped in Waterstones bookshop to see Ricky "My Arse" Tomlinson singing his latest best seller.
Its nice to get home and make a nice cup of tea. Hazel just phoned to say "You didn't stay around long?!" No stamina some people!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
You Done My Brain In
This is a collage made for the Bonzo Dog Band group "My Pink Half Of The Drain Pipe" thats on Flickr. I plan to do more collages of Bonzo songs as they are so strong visually.
Walked into town this morning despite the drizzle. Did my usual tour of the charity shops, the library, the bank and the post office. I bought some magic tricks which will probably put away for stocking fillers. Also got a pile of Cd's for 30p each from the Salvation Army shop which included Human League's "Dare" and Edwyn Collins "Georgous George".
Archie heard that his two animations have been accepted for the under 18's film festival in Manchester. No surprise to me really. We are looking forward to the "premiere" and seeing them on the big screen in December.
Hazel bought a new hutch for Flo today and we got her in from the garden as the fireworks have started to go off at night as Guy Fawkes draws near.
She seemed very happy with her new home and after a brief inspection was lying around inside like the Queen of Sheba!
Walked into town this morning despite the drizzle. Did my usual tour of the charity shops, the library, the bank and the post office. I bought some magic tricks which will probably put away for stocking fillers. Also got a pile of Cd's for 30p each from the Salvation Army shop which included Human League's "Dare" and Edwyn Collins "Georgous George".
Archie heard that his two animations have been accepted for the under 18's film festival in Manchester. No surprise to me really. We are looking forward to the "premiere" and seeing them on the big screen in December.
Hazel bought a new hutch for Flo today and we got her in from the garden as the fireworks have started to go off at night as Guy Fawkes draws near.
She seemed very happy with her new home and after a brief inspection was lying around inside like the Queen of Sheba!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
One Flu OverThe Penguins Nest
No chickens encountered on my walk into town this morning thankfully but just incase I wore my balaclava helmet back to front and a bag over my head.
Not much to be found but a scratchy Lp of Bob Wallis and his Dixieland Jazz Band from the Help The Aged shop. Also a video of M. Hulot's Holiday which I've always wanted to see again.
I declined Ring Of Bright Water DVD in the Daily Wail as I don't remember it being all that great. I read lots of Henry Williamson when I was younger too.
Archie is actually taking part in a Book Quiz at school and will be getting a bad name as a "swot" if he's not careful. Its all girls mostly who are doing it. He's had to read a book about the first world war - a bit gloomy and depressing for a 13 year old! Ring of Bright Water or Tarka The Otter would have been a better bet. It's good to see him taking part in things though and just hope he doesn't get put off if he doesn't do well. They have a useless awards system at his school now were "Merits" are collected over the year and you have to get 300 or something stupidly high to get a ten pound book token. He says the teachers are very "tight" with them and only give out one or two, even for exeptional work. So far he's only aquired a measly 80 so impossible for him to get the maximum ammount before the end of term. Just adding this postscript. Back from seeing the new Tim Burton film "Corpse Bride" which is great though perhaps not so enjoyable as "The Nightmare Before Christmas". It was spoiled rather by a wailing infant about six rows behind us who's stupid parents seeemd oblivious to his torment and the torment of those in the audience. Poor child will have nightmares for weeks I expect!
Watch a short Quicktime movie about the 6oth birthday of the Regal from a local TV programme HERE.
Not much to be found but a scratchy Lp of Bob Wallis and his Dixieland Jazz Band from the Help The Aged shop. Also a video of M. Hulot's Holiday which I've always wanted to see again.
I declined Ring Of Bright Water DVD in the Daily Wail as I don't remember it being all that great. I read lots of Henry Williamson when I was younger too.
Archie is actually taking part in a Book Quiz at school and will be getting a bad name as a "swot" if he's not careful. Its all girls mostly who are doing it. He's had to read a book about the first world war - a bit gloomy and depressing for a 13 year old! Ring of Bright Water or Tarka The Otter would have been a better bet. It's good to see him taking part in things though and just hope he doesn't get put off if he doesn't do well. They have a useless awards system at his school now were "Merits" are collected over the year and you have to get 300 or something stupidly high to get a ten pound book token. He says the teachers are very "tight" with them and only give out one or two, even for exeptional work. So far he's only aquired a measly 80 so impossible for him to get the maximum ammount before the end of term. Just adding this postscript. Back from seeing the new Tim Burton film "Corpse Bride" which is great though perhaps not so enjoyable as "The Nightmare Before Christmas". It was spoiled rather by a wailing infant about six rows behind us who's stupid parents seeemd oblivious to his torment and the torment of those in the audience. Poor child will have nightmares for weeks I expect!
Watch a short Quicktime movie about the 6oth birthday of the Regal from a local TV programme HERE.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Wimoweh! Wimoweh!
The "Welly Boot Dance" was very good but the highlight of the Black Omfolosi gig tonight at Archie's school was their rousing version of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". It was nice to see the hall packed out and the audience joining in. The last show their was only half full and very subdued.
Hazel was roped into serving tea and biscuits in the interval but she did get in free.
Just noticed that the Spike Theatre Company from Liverpool are playing at Northwich's Harlequin Theatre soon too so things are looking up on the culture front. We've seen them before on a few occasions and they are always entertaining.
I went to Chester today for a change and waited ages for a train that was delayed. I nearly came home again but it appeared around the corner just in time.
Among my bargains were a Max Bygraves EP that I have featured on Boot Sale Sounds today. Also an Lp by the Houghton Weavers. I bought a few cheap postcards from the Save the Children shop which will be useful for the postcard swap we are doing at Flickr.
I had neglected to take my camera and missed an opportunity of snapping the Roman Centurions who were marching around the town. "Sinister! Dexter! Sinister! Dexter!" etc.
Hazel was roped into serving tea and biscuits in the interval but she did get in free.
Just noticed that the Spike Theatre Company from Liverpool are playing at Northwich's Harlequin Theatre soon too so things are looking up on the culture front. We've seen them before on a few occasions and they are always entertaining.
I went to Chester today for a change and waited ages for a train that was delayed. I nearly came home again but it appeared around the corner just in time.
Among my bargains were a Max Bygraves EP that I have featured on Boot Sale Sounds today. Also an Lp by the Houghton Weavers. I bought a few cheap postcards from the Save the Children shop which will be useful for the postcard swap we are doing at Flickr.
I had neglected to take my camera and missed an opportunity of snapping the Roman Centurions who were marching around the town. "Sinister! Dexter! Sinister! Dexter!" etc.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Zap! Pow! Clonk! Twang!
Ah, the elastic has gone on Batman's underpants again!
Here's a collage from the archive I uploaded for the new theme of Super Powers at Collage Kids on Flickr. Not quite sure what super powers Batman had though? I don't really think he had any.
Super Blogging has really taken hold here but alas I seem to be falling behind with updates. Not enough hours in the day to add things to them all and do the collages and all the other things one gets distracted by. Before you know it, it's time to make the dinner and collapse in front of the telly.
I did wander into town again as the library sale is still on and DVD's CD's and videos have been reduced to a measly pound each. I know I'll never have time to watch any of them! Still a pile of freebies from newspapers piling up. Today DVD's from Wim Wenders and Bertilucci! What next - Citizen Kane and Battleship Potempkin?
Yes FREE! In todays Daily Sport - the complete works of Shakespeare and as a special bonus "Last Year In Marienbad"!
Here's a collage from the archive I uploaded for the new theme of Super Powers at Collage Kids on Flickr. Not quite sure what super powers Batman had though? I don't really think he had any.
Super Blogging has really taken hold here but alas I seem to be falling behind with updates. Not enough hours in the day to add things to them all and do the collages and all the other things one gets distracted by. Before you know it, it's time to make the dinner and collapse in front of the telly.
I did wander into town again as the library sale is still on and DVD's CD's and videos have been reduced to a measly pound each. I know I'll never have time to watch any of them! Still a pile of freebies from newspapers piling up. Today DVD's from Wim Wenders and Bertilucci! What next - Citizen Kane and Battleship Potempkin?
Yes FREE! In todays Daily Sport - the complete works of Shakespeare and as a special bonus "Last Year In Marienbad"!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Happy Drunken Tea Cakes!
Archie had a pretty good birthday I think. Lots of presents and money and chocolate. Hes' putting all the money in the bank. Archie is very good at saving for long term projects. I don't remember having any savings when i was his age.
I walked into town yesterday and managed to avoid the rain showers- diving into the market hall and the charity shops etc. I got some nice crusty bread and a free DVD of the Two Ronnies from the Sun newspaper. Not one I usually buy but I can't resist a DVD for 30p. It was a bit of a palaver though as you had to tear out the voucher inside whilst a queue of people waited to be served! Later it turns out the DVD is only 35 minutes long but still worth the hassle and the rabbit is very pleased with her new bedding!
I've been having fun with this Face Morphing Tool at Flickr just lately. This Tunnocks Tea Cakes boy was transformed in a variety of ways my favourite being the "drunk" version above.
I walked into town yesterday and managed to avoid the rain showers- diving into the market hall and the charity shops etc. I got some nice crusty bread and a free DVD of the Two Ronnies from the Sun newspaper. Not one I usually buy but I can't resist a DVD for 30p. It was a bit of a palaver though as you had to tear out the voucher inside whilst a queue of people waited to be served! Later it turns out the DVD is only 35 minutes long but still worth the hassle and the rabbit is very pleased with her new bedding!
I've been having fun with this Face Morphing Tool at Flickr just lately. This Tunnocks Tea Cakes boy was transformed in a variety of ways my favourite being the "drunk" version above.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Birthday Boy

Its Archies 13th birthday today so he opened his cards and pressies before going off to school. Hazel was on the train to Manchester so just me here to take a few photos, one of which is above. Hazel will be home this evening for special birthday pizza and more presents.
On Saturday we went for a celebratory curry over at Marsden? -about 5 miles away just past the Witton Albion F.C. ground on the road to Lostock . It was quite busy and a huge barn like place behind a pub. Mostly families with kids so very noisy too! We had to wait almost an hour for our meal which was annoying though it was very tasty when at last it did arrive.
On Sunday we stayed in as there were sadly no boot sales on that we knew of. I was to make a special Sunday lunch for us all but Granma wasnt feeling up to it and so we just had a nut roast, yorkshire puds and roasted spuds,parsnips etc.
Hazel took Audrey out to the garden centre to get some rabbit bedding and pellets for Flo and look at the hutches as the one she has is slowly falling apart and she will be indoors soon when the fireworks start going off.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
He stoops to conker!
Archie is still filling the big basket full of conkers. He's getting round to putting strings through a few so he can rap my knuckles a few times.
The German animation fest. thing was a mistake but we haven't the heart to tell Archie yet. They apparently told every single person who entered that they had work accepted! How stupid. Nevermind, Archie has other irons in the fire and the Cornerhouse seems keen on his new animation for the Exposures festival next month and also asked if he could finish the animation for the band Wevie Stonder which he has started but hasn't quite finished yet. The band gave their approval and might even back project it at a gig if it's good enough.
Yesterday I caught up with some neglected mail art and finished off copying some cassettes to CD for Jim who sent me a stack of tapes. Some were so interesting I added them to my Boot Sale Sounds blog. Jim has promised some rare novelty songs in return so how could I refuse!
Hazel's knee is still a bit numb but she didn't go to the doctors. Probably a trapped nerve we think after some internet searching for similar ailments- all that walking on soft sand and kite flying last week.
It's Archies birthday next week. He's turning into a teenager! Help! He's growing up so quickly and takes the same shoe size as Hazel now ( 6 ). It doesnt seem all that long ago I was pushing him around in a buggy!
The German animation fest. thing was a mistake but we haven't the heart to tell Archie yet. They apparently told every single person who entered that they had work accepted! How stupid. Nevermind, Archie has other irons in the fire and the Cornerhouse seems keen on his new animation for the Exposures festival next month and also asked if he could finish the animation for the band Wevie Stonder which he has started but hasn't quite finished yet. The band gave their approval and might even back project it at a gig if it's good enough.
Yesterday I caught up with some neglected mail art and finished off copying some cassettes to CD for Jim who sent me a stack of tapes. Some were so interesting I added them to my Boot Sale Sounds blog. Jim has promised some rare novelty songs in return so how could I refuse!
Hazel's knee is still a bit numb but she didn't go to the doctors. Probably a trapped nerve we think after some internet searching for similar ailments- all that walking on soft sand and kite flying last week.
It's Archies birthday next week. He's turning into a teenager! Help! He's growing up so quickly and takes the same shoe size as Hazel now ( 6 ). It doesnt seem all that long ago I was pushing him around in a buggy!
Monday, October 03, 2005
A scanner in the works.
A quiet day at home today as I had a few things to catch up with. I added a couple of things to my blogs and dubbed a cassette to a CD for a friend. Added some collages to Flickr including this one which I made on the scanner. I changed it later with an additional robot and got rid of the gear cut-away. You can find it HERE.
Archie heard that he has three small animations accepted to a German film festival. Their website doesnt seem to be up and running yet so can't put a link. Will try later. Hazel took in the film he is entering for this years Exposures Film festival in Manchester.
Archies collection of conkers is growing steadily and it now fills a huge basket by the back door. He's only just getting round to drilling holes in some so we have a conker championship.
Archie heard that he has three small animations accepted to a German film festival. Their website doesnt seem to be up and running yet so can't put a link. Will try later. Hazel took in the film he is entering for this years Exposures Film festival in Manchester.
Archies collection of conkers is growing steadily and it now fills a huge basket by the back door. He's only just getting round to drilling holes in some so we have a conker championship.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Is it stuffy in here or is it me?
Boot sale time again but I didn't find much. At the first at Witton Albion I found a Hank Snow EP that looked promising but was very scratched and the songs were nothing special. Hazel bought some very thin mapping pens in a box and Archie found some old videos of Red Dwarf.
At the next one, close by in the carpark of the pub in Lostok I got a Lonnie Donegan EP but I have a feeling I have all the tracks on a CD somewhere. Hazel bought some second hand potatoes.
At the next one, close by in the carpark of the pub in Lostok I got a Lonnie Donegan EP but I have a feeling I have all the tracks on a CD somewhere. Hazel bought some second hand potatoes.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I'm thrilled to be part of this project by WM Recordings, an online independent music publishing group. Yours truly was asked to make the sleeve art which I was happy to do. I've only listened to part of the album but it sounds great and look forward listening to it at my leisure.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Slap Dab Cabbage
My Dad used to say this from time to time long before the advent of DAB radio. I walked into town today and one of the things I bought was aan optical lead for the DAB radio so that I could plug it into the MD recorder and record onto the dozens of minidiscs I bought at the boot sale. I had this brainwave and I wondered why I hadn't thought of it before. Also got a puncture repair kit from Argos for Archie who has a flat tyre. Bobby Zimmerframe has just started wailing on TV so will return to this later.
That was great. Those idiots booing him when he played his electric set in '66. Some very funny moments too standing outside a pet shop and making up some improvised poetry using the writing on the posters outside. Brilliant.
What else I got? I got money from bank (twice). Posted a packet at post office. I got Moby Dick. I got A House With Flying Daggers from the library. I got a flying library from the bank. I got a Moby post office. I got a house with a flying packet. I got you under my chin.
The gasman cometh in the morning to replace the old one with a grand spanking new one. A digital gas meter? Bright shiny gas meter. I don't really know why but I expect it will charge us more for the gas!
I got a very heavy bag so had to get the bus home. Plugged in all the wires and it worked perfectly. Great!
That was great. Those idiots booing him when he played his electric set in '66. Some very funny moments too standing outside a pet shop and making up some improvised poetry using the writing on the posters outside. Brilliant.
What else I got? I got money from bank (twice). Posted a packet at post office. I got Moby Dick. I got A House With Flying Daggers from the library. I got a flying library from the bank. I got a Moby post office. I got a house with a flying packet. I got you under my chin.
The gasman cometh in the morning to replace the old one with a grand spanking new one. A digital gas meter? Bright shiny gas meter. I don't really know why but I expect it will charge us more for the gas!
I got a very heavy bag so had to get the bus home. Plugged in all the wires and it worked perfectly. Great!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Day trip to North Wales.
At last, something to write home about! A nice day out with our old chums Tony and Penny to Talacre beach, on the mouth of the River Dee, North Wales. Such a great place with a little lighthouse , dunes and soft clean sand that stretched for miles. We took the kite that Tony and Penny had given us and after much assembling and string unknotting managed to get it aloft where it look very splendid against the blue sky. We had a picnic by the dunes and watched the dogs and people walking by and the other kites in the distance. The windmills on the horizon kept changing colour as the light hit them - from white and then dark grey so they were almost invisible.
One the way back we stopped off at the remnants cloth place for tea and cake whilst Penny and Hazel went shopping for bits of cloth.
Today it was sunny so the boot sale at Weaverham was pretty packed. I got a big stack of minidiscs for a fiver. Foolishly I bought a minidisc player a couple of years ago on the strength of getting some discs of old 78's that someone had promised me. I got a couple but they fizzled out and it's been idle ever since. So nice to have a all these to play on it. A strange mixture of 80's disco and dance tracks upto more recent things by Oasis and The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Archie sounded keen to hear the latter.Also found some old postcards including a pillar box with arms and legs. Hazel got some too and a pile of Deakin crockery for 20p. She's pulled a muscle in her back and so hobbling around like an old lady going "Ooh" and "Ouch" every so often.
One the way back we stopped off at the remnants cloth place for tea and cake whilst Penny and Hazel went shopping for bits of cloth.
Today it was sunny so the boot sale at Weaverham was pretty packed. I got a big stack of minidiscs for a fiver. Foolishly I bought a minidisc player a couple of years ago on the strength of getting some discs of old 78's that someone had promised me. I got a couple but they fizzled out and it's been idle ever since. So nice to have a all these to play on it. A strange mixture of 80's disco and dance tracks upto more recent things by Oasis and The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Archie sounded keen to hear the latter.Also found some old postcards including a pillar box with arms and legs. Hazel got some too and a pile of Deakin crockery for 20p. She's pulled a muscle in her back and so hobbling around like an old lady going "Ooh" and "Ouch" every so often.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Blogging train late again!
Sorry, i seem to have been neglecting my blogs just lately, especially this one. The truth is I havent really been doing anything out of the ordinairy. The usual collaging, internet,music,shopping, cooking, etc. The collage here is another made for the iRobot group at Flickr.
I walked into town Wednesday to get a few things we were running out of- apples, bananas, milk etc. My arm had stretched about three inches by the time I got the heavy bag of shopping home! I can now pick up any dropped coins I find in the gutter without much bending!
Archie has a new piece of Spanish guitar to learn. Seems the teacher is moving away from the pop and rock stuff to more serious tricky work now. Archie seems to be coping with it quite well. He's getting another animation ready for the Exposures Film festival in Manchester soon. He just recieved a DVD of last years "Show Reel" of the best stuff which his "Light The House" is on. It's been sent round to schools and colleges all round the country so he's dead chuffed.
I walked into town Wednesday to get a few things we were running out of- apples, bananas, milk etc. My arm had stretched about three inches by the time I got the heavy bag of shopping home! I can now pick up any dropped coins I find in the gutter without much bending!
Archie has a new piece of Spanish guitar to learn. Seems the teacher is moving away from the pop and rock stuff to more serious tricky work now. Archie seems to be coping with it quite well. He's getting another animation ready for the Exposures Film festival in Manchester soon. He just recieved a DVD of last years "Show Reel" of the best stuff which his "Light The House" is on. It's been sent round to schools and colleges all round the country so he's dead chuffed.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Wizzle, Pizzle and Drizzle.
On a robot kick just lately and making paper robots and this new collage for Flickr iRobot group that i started. There are robot groups but they are a bit messy with all kinds of odd stuff that's not related to robots as i see them. I like the old fashioned "nuts and bolts" robots that were made into tinplate toys in the 50's and 60's. Also those rubbishy ones from old Republic and Universal serials of the 40's and 50's that I remember as a kid at Saturday Morning flicks.
I should have a few links here but it's such a faff to do. I might come back later and fit them in if i have time. A little robot that would do it all for me would be a great idea. I'll make one out of this old cereal packet and some sticky backed plastic!
yesterday was a bit of a wash-out bootsale wise. There were few stalls but mostly full of old toys and not ONE robot amongst them!
Not even any records for Boot sale Sounds blog. There I did one.
Hazel and Archie cycled over to the organic farm shop to buy some eggs later on when the drizzle stopped. It's a lovely ride up a country lane and not far from us. She said the vegetables looked "a bit sad" so she didn't buy any. Big frowns on the potatoes? They bought a tea and ice cream and sat looking out over the valley and the little church beyond. I should go too but my bike still has a puncture from about two years ago and the inner tubes need replacing. I prefer to walk anyway.
Archie is off to the opera in Nantwich today. Its a special school trip. he can wear what he likes and is to take a packed lunch. I have strict orders not to put cream cheese and lettuce in the sandwiches!
Its Hazels first day back at college and the joys of moulding those new recruits into the creative folk of the future.
The sun is shining so I'm walking into town to get some shopping and see what the charity shops have added over the weekend.
I should have a few links here but it's such a faff to do. I might come back later and fit them in if i have time. A little robot that would do it all for me would be a great idea. I'll make one out of this old cereal packet and some sticky backed plastic!
yesterday was a bit of a wash-out bootsale wise. There were few stalls but mostly full of old toys and not ONE robot amongst them!
Not even any records for Boot sale Sounds blog. There I did one.
Hazel and Archie cycled over to the organic farm shop to buy some eggs later on when the drizzle stopped. It's a lovely ride up a country lane and not far from us. She said the vegetables looked "a bit sad" so she didn't buy any. Big frowns on the potatoes? They bought a tea and ice cream and sat looking out over the valley and the little church beyond. I should go too but my bike still has a puncture from about two years ago and the inner tubes need replacing. I prefer to walk anyway.
Archie is off to the opera in Nantwich today. Its a special school trip. he can wear what he likes and is to take a packed lunch. I have strict orders not to put cream cheese and lettuce in the sandwiches!
Its Hazels first day back at college and the joys of moulding those new recruits into the creative folk of the future.
The sun is shining so I'm walking into town to get some shopping and see what the charity shops have added over the weekend.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Mail artist at work.
Here I am in 1992 surrounded by our clutter in Lambeth Walk. We used to clear the table to have meals in those days! I have a room of my own now which looks very similar if slightly smaller. At least i don't have to clear the table every five minutes. probabaly why its in such a state!
A proper photographer, Roger Birch, took this photo and several others (see Flickr) for an obscure book published by the British American Arts Association called "The Artist In The Changing City". The photo they used was a much nicer one of Hazel and me holding Archie, who must have been a few months old at the time.
I walked in to town and back yesterday and popped in the usual shops, the post office, the bank etc. Asked in the library about Ben Zander? that Hazel wanted to know about. She's going to a talk by him in Liverpool tomorrow. He is one of them motivational speakers apparently but it's all about being creative. She thought it might help her teaching.
I got a couple of cheap DVD's including Master and Commander. The woman in the charity shop asked if we had surround sound and I said no. Oh, that's good she said because she watched it at her brothers house and all you could hear was "BOOM!' and "BANG!" etc.
Found a nice website that has dozens of paper robots to print out and make up. I made one in the afternoon. It looks great. I started a robot group on Flickr on the strength of it. I might make another later though our printer seems a bit low on the yellow ink.
A proper photographer, Roger Birch, took this photo and several others (see Flickr) for an obscure book published by the British American Arts Association called "The Artist In The Changing City". The photo they used was a much nicer one of Hazel and me holding Archie, who must have been a few months old at the time.
I walked in to town and back yesterday and popped in the usual shops, the post office, the bank etc. Asked in the library about Ben Zander? that Hazel wanted to know about. She's going to a talk by him in Liverpool tomorrow. He is one of them motivational speakers apparently but it's all about being creative. She thought it might help her teaching.
I got a couple of cheap DVD's including Master and Commander. The woman in the charity shop asked if we had surround sound and I said no. Oh, that's good she said because she watched it at her brothers house and all you could hear was "BOOM!' and "BANG!" etc.
Found a nice website that has dozens of paper robots to print out and make up. I made one in the afternoon. It looks great. I started a robot group on Flickr on the strength of it. I might make another later though our printer seems a bit low on the yellow ink.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Sunday fun and games.
Only one boot sale today, over at the High School in Hartford , about three miles away as the starling flies (they are hundreds gathering for a mass exodus!)
I found two tin toys that I'd seen before but they were expensive for reproductions. They were cheaper this time round so bought them. They are ducks who ride round in circles with propellers on their heads ( one has his missing). Made in China like most things these days.Also got "Shaun Of The Dead" on DVD and a book to cut up for collage. Hazel got some ARP tunic buttons and a bowl of tin badges. Most were pretty new but a couple of older ones of interest which will appear on her BLOG no doubt.
Archie didn't get anything and went round with a face like a someone on the X Factor who's just been told they haven't got any talent.
Hazel has gone off there again to take her Mom and sister to get some gaudy nick-nacks and ceramic what-nots.
Hardly any records to sift through sadly so Boot Sale Sounds will have to rely on old stock.
I found two tin toys that I'd seen before but they were expensive for reproductions. They were cheaper this time round so bought them. They are ducks who ride round in circles with propellers on their heads ( one has his missing). Made in China like most things these days.Also got "Shaun Of The Dead" on DVD and a book to cut up for collage. Hazel got some ARP tunic buttons and a bowl of tin badges. Most were pretty new but a couple of older ones of interest which will appear on her BLOG no doubt.
Archie didn't get anything and went round with a face like a someone on the X Factor who's just been told they haven't got any talent.
Hazel has gone off there again to take her Mom and sister to get some gaudy nick-nacks and ceramic what-nots.
Hardly any records to sift through sadly so Boot Sale Sounds will have to rely on old stock.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Back to school
Archie's second day back at school today. He took his guitar just incase there was a guitar lesson - he seemed unsure. Hopefully he'll settle back into the old routine again.
We went to the flea market in Crewe this morning. I was hoping for some vinyl treaures but all I got was a PC game ( Mall Tycoon) for Archie who enjoys anything with Tycoon in the title. Also "Animals" the Ricky Gervais DVD for a quid. Hazel also dodnt find much- just a small reel of Coronation Ribbon.
It was quite a nice sunny morning so surprised there weren't more stalls there.
The council men are digging up the pavement over the road again after filling in the previous holes a couple of weeks ago! How do they do it? They must go for special lessons in time wasting! One of them is pushing a wire down the hole and joining it up to the new lamp posts. I excpect someone else will come along in a couple of weeks to dig it up again so they can switch it on!
We went to the flea market in Crewe this morning. I was hoping for some vinyl treaures but all I got was a PC game ( Mall Tycoon) for Archie who enjoys anything with Tycoon in the title. Also "Animals" the Ricky Gervais DVD for a quid. Hazel also dodnt find much- just a small reel of Coronation Ribbon.
It was quite a nice sunny morning so surprised there weren't more stalls there.
The council men are digging up the pavement over the road again after filling in the previous holes a couple of weeks ago! How do they do it? They must go for special lessons in time wasting! One of them is pushing a wire down the hole and joining it up to the new lamp posts. I excpect someone else will come along in a couple of weeks to dig it up again so they can switch it on!
Monday, September 05, 2005
September Collaging
Have been busy the last couple of days making these collages for Dietmar and Anne's assembling mail art calendar project. They need 24 pages 10.5 x 14.5 inches. They will compile them into a calendar and each participant gets one by the end of the year so you can use it for 2006. I think it's a great idea but a lot of work! Dietmar and Anne have always made some stunning work for projects of mine in the past so thought it about time I sent them something I'd spent a lot of time on.
Yesterday we went to the boot sale at Witton Albion football club which was quite busy and more stalls that usual. I found a few cheap CD's, mostly from covers of old MOJO magazines- punk and garage bands of the 60's. Also two vinyl LP's- one of cockney songs by David Kossoff and another by a a duo called "Strange Folk" from the 80's that I'd never heard of. Listening to it now I can see why!
Hazel got some plants and a T-shirt and Archie found a fly splatting gun which fires a "net" by a spring mechanism.
In the afternoon we had a walk over at Marbury and a picnic by the lake as the weather was so hot. There was a Side Saddle horse display in the arena bit ( by the information centre) and women in fancy dress told us about the history of side saddle riding and four of them trotted round to some odd rap music which didn't really go with the clothes!? The microphone made her sound like a wheezing asthmatic which didn't help!
Archie was delighted to find out later that he didnt have to go to school on Monday and he had another day of holiday left!
Yesterday we went to the boot sale at Witton Albion football club which was quite busy and more stalls that usual. I found a few cheap CD's, mostly from covers of old MOJO magazines- punk and garage bands of the 60's. Also two vinyl LP's- one of cockney songs by David Kossoff and another by a a duo called "Strange Folk" from the 80's that I'd never heard of. Listening to it now I can see why!
Hazel got some plants and a T-shirt and Archie found a fly splatting gun which fires a "net" by a spring mechanism.
In the afternoon we had a walk over at Marbury and a picnic by the lake as the weather was so hot. There was a Side Saddle horse display in the arena bit ( by the information centre) and women in fancy dress told us about the history of side saddle riding and four of them trotted round to some odd rap music which didn't really go with the clothes!? The microphone made her sound like a wheezing asthmatic which didn't help!
Archie was delighted to find out later that he didnt have to go to school on Monday and he had another day of holiday left!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Walk to Neumann's Flashes
A pleasant stroll down the old Marbury road thats been closed off for some years now and turned into a footpath with access to the new walks around the "Flashes" or man made lakes which were once something to do with the salt mining industry. Lots of bird hides and fences with viewing slits to watch the wildfowl and other birds that use the reeds and water etc. Very few poeple around despite the beautiful weather and still the school holidays. Amazing to have such an idyllic nature trail so close to the town centre- you'd think it would be packed with people. We saw one family, one man walking his dog and one woman on a bike in the whole hour we were there.
I cleared my table a bit today you'll be glad to know so making collages is a bit easier- I even made a new one and overcame my fear of the Pritt-stick!
That sky was very Norwegian looking today with little white fluffy clouds dotted around, but I'm sure it wasn't quite the blue seen in this photo!
I cleared my table a bit today you'll be glad to know so making collages is a bit easier- I even made a new one and overcame my fear of the Pritt-stick!
That sky was very Norwegian looking today with little white fluffy clouds dotted around, but I'm sure it wasn't quite the blue seen in this photo!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Unlucky for some!
Here we are at hole number 13- better known as Soggy Prestatyn.
Going there was a doddle compared with coming back. We only missed one turn off and ended up in Mold. Took us about an hour and twenty minutes to get to the North Wales coastal resort (hah!) which is mostly a big sandy beach with assorted car parks dotted along behind a big sea wall- some seedy cafes amd a swimming pool/leisure complex. Still, it was the seaside and Archie enjoyed the digging and the paddling until the rain came down and we sat in the car for a bit looking at the sea and the rain. Eventually it stopped and we went to play crazy golf. Then the rain came again and so we played about half the holes and decided to quit whilst we were still ahead. We got a free ticket to try again sometime. Fat chance!
Getting home was a nightmare in the rain and only the barest map directions. We stopped off at Abberkan for tea and look round the cloth remnants and seconds. Hazel bought some cushion material. Then off again to find the way home only to find the huge bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal near Birkenhead instead! Retraced our steps and eventually with much bad luck found the centre of Chester ( dog nose how we managed this?) and total gridlock that lasted what seemed like hours. Anyway, we made it home and now it doesn't seem so bad. We will laugh about it tomorrow! hah Ha!
Going there was a doddle compared with coming back. We only missed one turn off and ended up in Mold. Took us about an hour and twenty minutes to get to the North Wales coastal resort (hah!) which is mostly a big sandy beach with assorted car parks dotted along behind a big sea wall- some seedy cafes amd a swimming pool/leisure complex. Still, it was the seaside and Archie enjoyed the digging and the paddling until the rain came down and we sat in the car for a bit looking at the sea and the rain. Eventually it stopped and we went to play crazy golf. Then the rain came again and so we played about half the holes and decided to quit whilst we were still ahead. We got a free ticket to try again sometime. Fat chance!
Getting home was a nightmare in the rain and only the barest map directions. We stopped off at Abberkan for tea and look round the cloth remnants and seconds. Hazel bought some cushion material. Then off again to find the way home only to find the huge bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal near Birkenhead instead! Retraced our steps and eventually with much bad luck found the centre of Chester ( dog nose how we managed this?) and total gridlock that lasted what seemed like hours. Anyway, we made it home and now it doesn't seem so bad. We will laugh about it tomorrow! hah Ha!
Pannini and Chips
We took a load of Archie's old toys and junk he had decided he didn't want anymore to the charity shop. The manager is a tranvestite, at least we think he/she is? She has a very deep voice and needs a shave.
I walked around town and went in all the other charity shops but didnt find many bargains. I was hoping to make up for Mondays boot sale disaster (it rained and I looked like a drowned rat!) but only found a DVD of a film called "Happiness" which I'd never heard of but had some critical acclaim according to the sleeve notes. Also found a double tape of old wartime humour, most of which I had already.
For lunch we went to the pub in Plumley as a belated birthday treat. Hazel's Mom wasn't feeling very well in July so we didn't have the traditional pub lunch. After waddling out after a huge platefulof pannini and chips ( Audrey and Doreen had the cod) we went to a the Hidden Nursery to look at plants and flowerpots. Audrey and Doreen bought some big gaudy orange flowering droopy plants I forget the names of. They had to be laid down in the boot and risked having their flowers cut off when the boot was closed!
Then home to collapse on the settee. That pint of bitter I had at lunchtime wasnt a good idea, it just makes me very sleepy.
Added more to new Boot Sale Sounds blog, which is looking pretty good though I say so myself.
I walked around town and went in all the other charity shops but didnt find many bargains. I was hoping to make up for Mondays boot sale disaster (it rained and I looked like a drowned rat!) but only found a DVD of a film called "Happiness" which I'd never heard of but had some critical acclaim according to the sleeve notes. Also found a double tape of old wartime humour, most of which I had already.
For lunch we went to the pub in Plumley as a belated birthday treat. Hazel's Mom wasn't feeling very well in July so we didn't have the traditional pub lunch. After waddling out after a huge platefulof pannini and chips ( Audrey and Doreen had the cod) we went to a the Hidden Nursery to look at plants and flowerpots. Audrey and Doreen bought some big gaudy orange flowering droopy plants I forget the names of. They had to be laid down in the boot and risked having their flowers cut off when the boot was closed!
Then home to collapse on the settee. That pint of bitter I had at lunchtime wasnt a good idea, it just makes me very sleepy.
Added more to new Boot Sale Sounds blog, which is looking pretty good though I say so myself.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Mmmmmm! Fish and chips!
It's cooking now as I type this. Archie is just showing me some easter chicks trapped in a cardboard egg. What came first the fish or the egg?
How long is a piece of string? How high is up? etc.
What has been today's highlights?
Went into town and discovered more reductions at the Booksale shop who sadly are closing down soon. Bought a Josephine Baker CD for 75p! It has some nice french songs on it that will probably end up on my new BLOG at some point. Just podded some fresh peas. They should be done by now so better go.
How long is a piece of string? How high is up? etc.
What has been today's highlights?
Went into town and discovered more reductions at the Booksale shop who sadly are closing down soon. Bought a Josephine Baker CD for 75p! It has some nice french songs on it that will probably end up on my new BLOG at some point. Just podded some fresh peas. They should be done by now so better go.
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