Archie has a bad colb in de nobes so had the day off school. We had considered going into Manchester with Hazel to see John Hegley do a "lecture" on Inter-Active Arts course that Hazel works on. It would have been nice but Archie was full of cold and the train journey alone is enough to put you off going.Hazel phoned to say he was very good and it fitted very well into the Creative Methodology scheme of things.
Archie has been amusing himself with games , TV and reading. We played cards briefly and had a veg. sausage and fried onion sandwitch for lunch. A bloke just knocked at the door and thrust a leaflet into my hand. Another dodgy double glazing salesman. "I see you already have double glazing." he said and enquired "Do you need anymore?" My answer was in the negative. At least he apolygised for the intrusion and walked off - some just keep going on and on and on about double glazing even when you tell them you don't need any thankyou. I hate cold callers.
Time to go and get some dinner started. I think it might be stuffed pasta and tomato sauce tonight.
An old photo but a new recording of Archie's guitar progress. You can here a hissy sound bite HERE.
He plays with heart, does Archie...that second tune, what's the name? The chords were beautiful...Well, you know how I feel about music...language of the soul and all that. So, really nice to hear Archie finding yet another avenue of expression. Hi to all...and thanx for sharing!
He's doing really well, excellent progress, he has't been playing long, I didn't start till I was 18.
Thanks for the encouraging comments Syl and Al. If only could make a recording that didnt sound like I was frying chips next to him!
Nice gee-tar pick'n thar Archie! "Good Night Ladies" -- one of my favorites. Keep at it mate! --ed
Well spotted ED. I will pass on your kind comments.
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