Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Wheelbarrows - delicious!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Can you guess the celebs this far away?
Went into town this morning. First to the bank to get some dosh. officious clerk made me sign the back of my stupid new card. They change their staff so often at my bank , it's really irritating. Not much in the way of bargains. No Pictbridge connectors at Dixons. Mr. bean with goatee beard said we'd have to buy "unusual" leads from the HP website, which is annoying because the Pictbridge doodah was one of the features they plugged when selling the thing to Hazel, saying how fantastically useful it would be!
Monday, September 27, 2004
Cinema treats and sweets
Drink Your Milk
Drink Your Milk
Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
This big gap has appeared at the top of my blog again for no apparent reason?I have changed the settings in the hope it will fix itself. Here's another scanned collage from a few years ago. So much better than those wonky photos.
W. Reginald Bray
was a Victorian gent,
who tested the post
with whatever he sent
A collector of curios
and postal phenomena,
his passion was sending
all kinds of ephemera
The largest and elephant,
the smallest a bee.
A bicycle pump,
an old piece of tree
He carved his address
on a large knobbly turnip,
and sent it first class
so they could returnit
His collection of artifacts
was extremely contrived,
but his rasher of bacon?
It never arrived.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Thrilling Correspondence Novels
Friday, September 24, 2004
Boot sale sounds
They will remain until Monday probabaly. I'm hoping for some scratchy records and floppy tapes from the boot sale on sunday.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Old sweets and candy wrappers
Yesterday wasa bit of a dull rainy day. The nice electrician, Derrick, came round to fix the new halogen lights in Archie's room. he looked at the doorbell too but couldn't find the fault. Archie came home with another sack of conkers.
Today I went into town and got my haircut. the lady barber was very chatty, telling me all about her kids at university and isn't it terrible weather and the cost of holidays etc. I don't know why they feel they have to tell you all these things? Thank goodness I don't have to have it cut for another 3 months!
Didnt find much in town. A Dennis the menace book for Archie but he already has it. Also a book of cut-out alphabet letters in 3-D. I was supposed to get bananas ( Hazel needs lots of the essential mineral they contain - is it zinc?) but I forgot!
The library had nothing new to offer so i came home and made some toasted haloumi sandwiches with tomatoes and basil. Yum!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
You've got to hand it to him
Today I went into town and got Archie some lights for his bedroom so he can read properly. I phoned the friendly retired electrician who promised to come and fix them soon. The charity shops were very busy but I didn't find much, just a CD of comedy from the BBC with Tony Hancock,Pete and Dud, Billy Connolly etc.
Hazel's been on the mac all day with college work so I haven't had much chance to use it. Just heard that a cyber-cafe is being planned for the derelict bit of the station which is good news - maybe use it myself if I can't get online at home!
Sunday, September 19, 2004
More piles of old tat to sort through

Just back from a fairly big boot sale at Hartford. The ground there was really uneven and full of pot-holes full of water, but managed to find a few bargains stepping gingerly around them. Some videos for 20p including the wonderful City of Lost Children, Ren &Stimpy and The Lost Highway. Also some french films inc. Les Amants des Pont- Neuf and Merci la Vie. So plenty to watch these rainy winter evenings! Bargain of the day must be the old Topper annual from 1960 I got for 20p. Archie was delighted. Hazel says I should have saved it for his birthday but I was too excited and just had to show him what a clever dad he had to spot such a treasure amongst all the rubbish. They've gone for a second rummage and to take Audrey and Hazel's Mom. The weather has been kind so far this morning. Archie also got some How To draw books which he doesn't need really and some Lego kits. Hazel bought some plants and a choc tin of dubious vintage.No scratchy records alas except a single by Monty Python folks -Always Look On the Bright Side of Life from the Life of Brian film.Also the Greatest Hits? of Wrestless Eric.The photo is of the old Century cinema at Pitsea in Essex where I used to go to Saturday morning matinees to see the adventures of Captain Video, Batman and the great Republic serials back in the 1950's.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
When Saturday comes around again
Also found some candy floss pink card to make into covers for the first issue of FLOSS. The kind man at the photography shop who I keep bothering was really helpful and fed the card into the colour copier by hand which took ages - luckily no other customers as it was still peeing down outside! They look great though the bottom edge of image just missed slightly so will have to fill in with black pen. Later will fold and staple pages into the first issue and put them in envelopes to send out on Monday.
Bought a gas filled stove lighter as the batteries have run out on the gas stove and don't know how to change them. Using matches is a pain and I've singed the hairs on my knuckles a few times already.
Bought the Daily Mirror, which is a rubbish paper, but it had a free DVD of Brassed Off starring Ewan McGregor and Pete Postlethwaite inside.
Chastised by Hazel for forgetting the eggs and cheese - she wasn't impressed with my alternative purchases!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
The Cabinet of Doctor Curiosity
Just back from a brisk walk into town( a slower walk coming home!) where i took some Cd's and DVD back to the library. 88p fine for being two days overdue. Not much in the "new additions" section. I borrowed a CD of Bollywood songs inspired by my purchase yesterday. Not much else in the way of bargains but did find a PC game called Hand of Fate for 49p. It's one of those "point and click" adventures about a wizardess who has to travel to the centre of the earth to get the KEY STONE to break the enchantment thats making the rocks and trees disappear. Pretty typical of it's type. Awful graphics- a few years old I imagine. My favourite "point and click" adventure was the Broken Sword but havent played the 3-D update on the PS2 yet - waiting to find it cheap at a boot sale.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
More scratchy records from Crewe
Popped round to see Tony and saw the new DVD single of the Fat Cats which was great (see the website in links where you can download it).
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The tail end of hurricane Ivan?
Hazel has gone off to Manchester to put some metal objects in the 3-D showcase along with some of her inventions.Archie has gone to school with a rucksack crammed with stuff - it weighed a ton! I think he's filled it with conkers?
The thirteenth lived up to it's reputation for an unlucky day yesterday with no post atall and my search for collage material ended in a cul-de-sac.
Having this big wide gap at the top of my blog doesn't help! It shouldn't annoy me but it does!
Thinking of changing my template but all my links will be lost and I don't fancy typing all those out again.Ho hum.
We complain about our weather constantly but at least our houses dont get blown away! Those poor folk in Jamaica, Cuba and Mexico etc. It must be awful have to leave and return to such a mess. My desk upstairs doesn't seem so bad now!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Tex Ritter rides again!
This is not the Tex Ritter LP I bought today but this song was on it - played at 22 rpm.
Hazel and Archie have taken Audrey to the Antique barns of Lady Mugwump. I am staying home to catch up with my correspondance.
More exotic finds at the boot sale
Other bargains included another Tex Ritter compilation from the 60's with an even slower version of "Blood On The Saddle" sounds like the record needs winding back up! Also a tribute to the Cowboy Copas by some persons called Opry Stars, who abviously not stars atall but nonentities. A nice sound though if you like that kind of thing.
You can hear sample tracks if you go to the Boot Sale Sounds yahoo group that you will find in the links.
Hazel got some pins that will appear on her blog soon. Archie got a Beano from 1981 but he thought it was in better condition but it wasn't really. Another swap.He bought two old newspapers from the 60's. One has a great photo of Mars on the front saying "Amazing Photos from Mars!" but it looks like a blurry shot of someone's thumb!
Saturday, September 11, 2004
The Children Have Been Downsized
Just been helping Hazel put links on her new Blog - about the mechanics of toys.
Throwing a biscuit tin out with odds and ends in. Hazel and Archie, the scavangers, have retrieved it from the back door step to sift through the "treasures" I might have been destroying - broken pencils,badge pins,cocktail sticks,rubberstamp handles,ludo counters, plastic coins and other plastic trivia! They were in Heaven, holding each dusty gew-gaw up to examine it under the "big light".
I declined to go into town as it's too busy on a Saturday - I feel myself turning into Victor Meldrew with all the jostling and noise that goes on!
Hopefully more luck tomorrow at the boot sale,if it's not raining.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Boot Sale Sounds launch party
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Don't you have any that work?
Went into town to try and get some copies done but the Photography man was rather unhelpful but in a helpful way. I asked him if i could bring my own card for his photo-copier in the hope I could get some cheaper copies but he looked very concerned and said It might jam the machine. How thick would the card be - so had to look round the shop to find a peiceof card similar to the sort I was thinking of. More concerned looks and chin rubbing. How many sheets did I want? Well, about 25 to start with. MMMMmmmm well, that could be tricky - you might be wasting your money and you'd have 24 sheets to find a use for if the first one went wrong. O dear! And so on in this way for some time. The other assistant came over to rub his chin too and look concerned at my plight. I'll think about it some more then and left them rubbing chins and fingering bits of card.
Borrowed The cat In The Hat on DVD from the library. We watched it later with Archie,Barb and Des (just back from a shopping trip to Manchester) and chortled away at some of the gags. It was funnier than the Grinch.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Tin Robot
I will have to take my jumper off
The comments don't seem to be working at the moment? Has anyone else had this problem?I asked Blogger but no reply from them as yet.
Hazel has gone to Manchester for a meeting though college doesn't start for a couple of weeks yet.Back to the old routine. She hates getting up so early after the comfort of lie-ins during the summer.
I have been doing some last minute hoovering before Barb & Des arrive. Exciting eh?!
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
The sun has got his hat on - hip, hip, hip, hooray!
Today we went into town for provisions - food for my sister and brother-in-law who are visiting tomorrow for a couple of days. Found a They Might be Giants LP in a charity shop for £1. I like their quirky songs (some free mp3's at their amusing website). Also a strange CD called Weird & Wonderful which caught my eye, also in a charity shop. But it turned out to be a horrible Andrew Lloyd Webber soundalike and not remotely weird or wonderful!
Monday, September 06, 2004
Eight days a week!
This Beatles collage to celebrate the 30th anniverary of the release of Love Me Do was one of the lost and now found. I hope she can take a better photo than the wonkey one here!
Have been helping Hazel hoover and tidy up today for impending arrival of my sister Barb and her hubby Des on Wednesday. They are staying a couple of nights before travelling back to Basildon via Nottingham where they will pick up Des's Mum. I've not seen the place looking so spotless and clean. It takes the threat of guests to get us rattling the dust pan and brush!
Sunday, September 05, 2004
A walk in the woods
Went to the annual charity boot sale at Knutsford this morning and found a few bargains including two odd records by obscure comedy groups I'd not hear of before - the Earwigos and Doris and Stanley Piecrust (something like that)
Also got a tape by Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren which I think I have already. Hazel got more metal gadgets inc. a tool set inside a brass tube that unscrews very cleverly. Archie got a pile of Horrible Histories books he's wanted for a while and two Beano Annuals so he was happy. Later we took Doreen and Audrey to another boot sale a bit closer at Witton Albion where we found a Weakest Link game for a £1 which we've been trying and not getting very far - Anne Robinson is far too intimidating!
In the afternoon we had a nice walk under some cool trees at Marbury and sat on this tree that had been carved by a local sculptor. It has rabbits, badgers, mice and birds as well as this handsome frog.
The century of miracles
One of the collages that got lost in the post. Still, at least I have a record of it. Not one of my better efforts by any means but annoying that it's just vanished into the postal void! Changed my Frickr blog settings again - this should look bigger.
Who's an ugly boy then?
Parrot Target
Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
Another of those sideways looks at the collages of Joseph Cornell that I love so much. I found a big pile of magazines on parrots and bird keeping in a charity shop and leaf through them for likely collage material now and again. One can't help think of Cornell when cutting out a parrot with your trusty scissors. Actually this is just a test run for the new Flickr set-up.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Invasion Of The Handbag Snatchers
The twistory of history
So today 4th September we have the Red Kipper Society was founded in 1870. John Luddle in a U.S. radio interview claimed his group The Futiles were more famous than Mrs. Doris God and consequently all the Futiles records were melted down in some southern states and made into fried chicken buckets.
Friday, September 03, 2004
The Mail On The Floss
Went to the new Scope shop but it seemed to be very similar to the last one and with the same stuff for sale!
I bought a white loaf for Hazel and posted some things at the post office No sign of the collages I posted to Chester( the photographer never phoned, so assume she never got them) so had to fill in a claim form and post that off. How annoying - now I'll have to unframe some more and take them to Chester myself as I don't trust the post office anymore.
Archie should be back from his second day at High School soon. Time to put the kettle on.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Archie came home full of beans and singing so obviously wasn't too bad a day though he has homework already in the shape of some easy maths. It was a general finding you way about day by the sound of it.
The nice family from across the road sent him a Good Luck card and later came over to see how he got on.
He's gone out now to play on his bike with Rosemary. A fuzzy walkie-talkie message just came through "Wphat time izzzzzzzz it? phut"
"Twenty to five" "zzzzphwat? I cantzzzzz hear yozzzzzzzzz"
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Summer has been extended until December 1st.
Archie just found a huge caterpiller he narrowly missed running over with his bike. I looked it up on the internet and it turns out to be an elephant hawk moth.