Friday, November 19, 2004

A day in the big metrollops.

Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
Up at the crack of dawn to get the train to Manchester to see a great lecture by Tim Hunkin who used to do the Rudiments of Wisdom cartoons in the Observer for many years and made lots of inventive tv programmes about how machines worked called "The Secret Life of Machines" and now makes wonderful automata for his own amusement arcade on Southwold Pier in Suffolk. A lovely man and very entertaining. Archie had a day off school especially to see him and got his autograph. Archie particularly enjoyed his animations made from photographs - a kind of 3-D version of those Monty Python catoons by Terry Gilliam. After the lecture Archie and I went to the Manchester Museum to see the newly installed T.Rex skeleton (a plastic copy) which was impressive and looked at the live exhibits which include Axolotls, poisonous blue frogs, snakes and monkeytoads? A very tiring day and I can see why Hazel collapses in a heap when she gets home after a full day of fending off students questions and commuting on the terribly uncomfortable and unreliable trains!


sylviasometimes said...

Sounds like an absolutely brilliant
day, Michael! This Hunkin man sounds
very interesting-thanks for the link!
Possibly a future CK theme...mechanical
Hello to poor tired Hazel...but congrats
on the success of her student.

Wastedpapiers said...

It was a good day despite the headache I woke with and had for most of the day. Too much blogging I suspect! Or maybe i need to get some new glasses - I haven't been to the opticians for a couple of years.Hazel went last week and they said she needs some stronger specs. She's going to town tomorrow to look at some.Archie made a new Falsh animation whilst waiting for Tim to turn up- a five second gem of a cave man kicking the first round rock that rolls thus inventing the wheel!
Went to the school open evening last night to meet Archie's teachers (well some of them) who all said he was doing fine and a pleasure to teach - we expected nothing less. They are delighted the school got a mention in the Exposures young peoples film festival in Manchster too and a photographer from the local rag is coming to take Archie's pic fro next weeks edition.

Scrapatorium said...

Lucky you to see Tim Hunkin! Sounds like a great time.

Roger Stevens said...

I wonder if Archie would do a flash animation for The Poetry Zone?

sylviasometimes said...

Great going, Archie! You and
Hazel must be very proud...but
not surprised he is so talented!

Wastedpapiers said...

I'm sure Archie would be happy to do a Flash Animation for you Roger. He has quite a pile of them now. Just throw him a theme and he'll think about it.

Wastedpapiers said...

Hazel Said.....
Manchester is around 24 miles away..
But the traffic moves as slow as in London..
~So a catch a train at 7.10am from a station 15 minutes walk stops at every village from here to eternity (Lostock Gralam, Plumley, Mobberly,Knutsford,Ashley,Naviagtion Road, Altrincham,Hale,..and more) ,and takes almost an is often late, sometimes bumpy and usually cold...but there are enough seats...and cancelled more times than I like to remember.
Then I have to walk a further 10 minutes to the the time I get there I want to go back to bed!
I wonder why we lived so far away from my job...but going out for walks on a sunday in the country reminds me how green and pleasant it is here.
I does make for a long tiring week though.