What must they be like? Austrian chips - that's what Archie is having a text just said. Hazel's been fretting that the ordeal of a 30 hour coach trip ( should have been 24 ) would put Archie off travelling for life! They had a delay on the giraffery system round the A67 and the B78 or something and missed the connection at the tunnel terminus so had to wait 6 hours for next train to France. We though the timing was all wrong- going on the Friday when all the schools broke up for Easter Hols. Anyway hes' there now and filling himself with chips. So hopefully he'll catch up with some sleep ( only 4 hours last night ) and awake refreshed and ready for the piste.
We tried to take our minds off his journey by going to Frodsham and looking round the Castle Park Arts Centre which seems to be run by two grey haired ladies who make the hot chocolate in a back room. They do a nice line in pre-packaged fruit loaf and sponge fingers. The galleries are actually quite well lit and modern and in one was a daytime organ class in full swing. I had written to ask about available exhibition space a while back but didnt get any reply. "How awful" said one gray haired lady. The other gave me a pad and pen to write down my particulars and give them to the woman who I originally wrote to. Maybe it will jog her memory.
We walked round the park and photographed the squirrels gambolling amongst the shrubbery. The down to the town and the charity shops. Found a pete and Dud DVD and a Chas and Dave jamboree bag double. Vol. three no less! Also a rare LP of Peter sellers and Spike Milligan doing a show ( with awful fake laughter track ) about Watergate I'd not heard before.
Hazel bought a blouse and a denim jacket. During all this we kept getting texts from Archie saying things like "Going Tthru Germany now" and "Stopping at Toilets Now".
Then to Lady Heyes and the antique barns , Home after a a rummage through some expensive junk I seem to remember having rummaged through last time I was there. More texts. Then home for a late lunch and sort through pile of mail on doorstep including huge postcard from Ryosuke Cohen and two "feet" in envelopes.
Good grief. It's rather mind-blowing to think that our little boys are going on trips without us and will soon be big enough to leave home!
It is rather scary isnt it though its inevitable so best put on a brave face and let them spread their wings. Hazel gets very nervous when he goes away but we realise its good for him- travel broadens the mind and all that! he seems to be enjoying the skiing now despite falling over a lot ( we told him to go to the dry ski slope) and put back into the beginners class.
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