The sun has come out at last ( except when I took these photos!) and so Hazel has ventured into the garden to splosh paint about on the furnituire, tree house and shed and anything else that doesn't move. Very attractive she is too in her stained boiler suit. I still have a cold but managed to walk to town and back this morning. I found a double tape of Humphrey Littleton talking about his life and playing some trumpet in the Hospice Shop. The tape was, not Humphrey!
Also found a present for Hazel as it's her birthday next weekend, but can't say as she reads this and it would spoil the surprise.
Hazel and Archie went to Morrisons with Audrey this morning to get trolley loads of goodies.
Nothing much happened over the weekend as I felt awful and it rained mostly. Watched tons of TV and videos including The Shining and the rest of Flight Of The Conchords.
John Hegley phoned to thank me for the poster/artwork I collaged for him using the cover of Beyond Our Kennel. He's doing the Pleasence at the Edinburgh Fringe again in August.
I Just Came By Chance.Mighty Fine Blog.The Cold Is Better?
Thanks for asking Tony. Yes, feeling a lot better. Appreciate your kind words.
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