A nice day today despite the weather. Went with our old chums Tony & Penny to the Bluebell Day at Marbury and listened to the Weavils ( see on left ) who played some nice calypsos and other hummable tunes as the rain came down. Also a few stalls around to look at - wood turning, kite making, willow weaving, etc. and horse and cart trips round the parkland. We also went on a guided tour with the park ranger who showed us the different types of bluebell and the troubles they are having with the invasive Spanish bluebell which is making hybrids with the native variety and causing some problems. We also had pointed out the various woodland flowers and plants around Hopyard Woods which they hope to have "ancient woodland" status eventually. Then back for a picnic under the shelter of a big tree as the rain came down once more.
Yesterday was Archie's piano lesson at Bruce's house. He hasnt been doing much practice due to the Easter hols. so had some catching up to do. I have given up my lessons as I fear I have no aptitude for learing any instruments -my musical ability is limited to putting the stylus into the groove of the vinyl and turning on the radio etc.
On Friday I went to the doc's again to see about high blood pressure. She gave me a prescription for some tablets to try for a while to get it back down again. I went for an ECG in the afternoon with the nurse as she had a cancellation. I'd never had one before so it was a bit of a shock having all those wires attached to my chest and ankles! It was quite normal I'm glad to say.
Fab to see you last week. Yes, I've started working on the grand opus - Poet's in Space. Jill said it sounded a bit old-fashioned - like something from the 60s. So that's no bad thing.
Today we did a boot fair to start our decluttering. It went very well. We turned up at Brighton for their big weekly boot fair/market at 6 this morning only to be told it was full. So we drove to a big field halfway between there and here.
It was a big do, loads of people and lots of pitches. And the weather here was/is gorgeous. Really hot and sunny.
I bought a bag of collage material which made Jill a little cross as we were there to get rid of stuff. I only wanted a couple of pages but the stall-holder was insistent I bought it all for three pounds.
Hey ho. Time for supper.
No boot sales this week only bluebells and some nice music. Did you sell all your stuff then at knockdown prices? I must admit I'm guilty of the same kind of stunt- getting rid of lots of old videos and then immediatley buying some more " as now we have room!" This kind of twisted logic does not wash with Hazel! When i was ill i was quite keen to clear out my room and get rid of things but the balance of my mind was disturbed so now I'm all better i see things in a different light and the beauty of clutter and accumulations of old tat seem very appealing!
I like the sound of the "old fashioned" opus takin g shape. I look forward to hearing the fishnet articles.
Did the DVD turn up?
DVD? Not sure...
We made 50 quid which was pretty good considering what we were selling. We even sold two pairs of Jill's old socks for 5p.
Well, off to London tomorrow - our calendars are so ridiculously busy with all the arranging and selling and Jill off to France again because her Dad's having an op and I've school visits coming up and the house goes on the market and Alan arrives to do the last bits of.... better stop as I'm making myself panic.
No time for blogging. I expect my regulars will have given up on me by now.
BTW I wrote a bit replying to the fab vids of Archie on drums and Archie and me. But for some reason the Blog didn't want to know.
He's talented that Archie. When are you going to buy him a drum set then?
Maybe I only just posted the packet to you- you may get it tomorrow- its the DVD of the BBC Radiophonic workshop doc. I hope it turns up.
Yes, Archie picks things up very quickly. We have neighbours though so a bit tricky - he's loud enough on the guitar!
Hope all goes well with Jills Dad.
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