Sunday, October 29, 2006

Walk through the woods.

Is It Going To Rain?
Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
Went for a short stroll through Marbury Park this morning. Hazel was feeling like some fresh air . I think we all were. We stayed in all day yesterday. Hazel slept for most of it! Nice to get out while the sun was shining. No boot sales though - most seem to have finished now around here.
Geese gathering on the mere making a terrible racket. It sounded like hundreds from afar but once we saw them realised there was only a three or four dozen. Lots of mad seagulls too who went bonkers for the bread Archie was throwing. Afterwards did a big shop at Lidl. Half the trolley seemed to be cake and biscuits. Hazel says she needs more sugar. I bought a mouli blender - the sort you can buy in France for mashing up veg into soup. We used to make lots of soup when we lived in London but seem to have gotten out of the habit when we lost our last mouli. I expect its in one of the boxes in the kitchen cupboard that we haven't unpacked since we moved 8 years ago! We have a couple of pumpkins to carve so look forward to making some soup with the left-over bits.

It was delicious, even if i say so myself!

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