Monday, August 26, 2024

Walk To Orchard and Fishy Pond

Nice sunny walk this Bank Holiday Monday. Got a few apples from the community orchard. Hazel trimmed a few brambles that spilled over the pavement and threatened to trip people up. Her good deed for the day. Saw a swan and some baby coots down the fishy pond. Sad to see it over grown with weeds. We had fun using the built in apps on the Samsung camera. Chortle!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Boot At Blakemere

This mornings boot sale bargains from Blakemere. In a different field as the normal one was taken over by a travelling fun fair. Slim pickin's but I did find some nice old postcards including one from Southend & Westcliff which is always nice to find. The "Meat Card" is quite amusing too - even for a vegetarian. Hazel got some useful things- candles, gardening gloves, wire baskets, plants etc.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Walk Around Lostock

A few photos of our walk this morning. Hazel picked a few blackerries for her sister who wasn't that keen it turns out. Took a digital clock round for her Mom who's sight is failing and needs a larger dial to see what the time is. This also shows the day and the month which is handy.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

West Yorkshire

Nice couple of days in Marsden mainly due to Archie and Meriel being there to help with house clearance that still goes on after all this time. Solicitors dragging their feet and other set backs. O well - at least we emptied the summer house of its soggy contents. Filled many bags with paint tins, mouldy wood, muddy crocks etc. Skip coming tomorrow - so hopefully a lot more gone by the time we go back. Tanya was there too to help out. She took a load to the tip. Took the sofa bed to pieces. Didnt sleep well due to lumpy mattress. Ugh! Nice to get back to our own bed and have a bath too. Weather a bit nippy - more like October!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Carey Park Walk - Blackberries

This mornings walk to the River Weaver and around Carey Park in the sunshine. Chatted to a friendly lady with her new fostered hairy dachshund. Picked a few blackberries that were abundent. A couple nearby had the same ide and hadfilled two tuppaware boxes full - they must be making jam! We suggested a pair of step ladders would be a good idea as all the larger fruit were at the top of the brambles. Did a circuit of the park nearest the river and then back to the car and off to Lostock to help Granma with some hoovering etc. Too hot for that really. Phew!

Monday, August 05, 2024

Walk To River Weaver - Hartford

Drizzly walk to River Weaver near Hartford yesterday. Lots of joggers and dog walkers to negotiate - nearly run over twice by idiot cyclists going too fast on a public footpath! Grrrr! Then to Blakemere to look round the craft stalls and the antique emporiums. Didnt find much just a DVD of The Witch , a creepy film by Robert Eggers who made The Lighthouse and The Northman.