A good year for apples apparently so the chap on the news said this morning. English apples ofcourse, not these awful foreign varieties that have no taste whatsoever. But if you want apples all the year round you have to get them from Peru and New Zealand! Oh the caustic footprint!
Here's a couple in our back garden that have fallen off a neighbours tree with a thud. One seems to have been eaten already by slugs or birds?
It's a shame they are going to waste and not being used. There must be a glut as Granma gave us a bagful yesterday and so last night I made an apple crumble. Delicious with custard and cream. I forgot the desicrated coconut though.
... talking od which (see previous blog...
the nursery rhyme series I did with Floella Benjamin is now playing on Radio 7. It's for 2 - 6 year olds and is on every day around 2.15.
I did the music, wrote a couple of the episodes and I appear briefly in a couple of them.
Funnily enough i did hear a fragment of that as I flicked through the DAB dial today looking for the Woman's World Cup Football. I will listen out for it tomorrow.
Was that you playing "Insy Winsy Spider"? It didn't really sound like you but maybe you were putting on a funny american voice?!
Hey, do I have a funny American voice???
We didnt like to mention it Jonathan!
HAzel said...I think ~Michael means like when dick van dyke did a "funny English voice".....in that it sounded nothing like an English accent...
So don't take offence Jon..we love your accent.
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