Saturday, June 25, 2005

Weakend shopping.

Tom Dawson - One man band
Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
Walked into town this morning to get photos which were mostly very dull. They exchanged the memory card for another but that doesnt seem to work either despite seeing the photos on my camera. The Vivitar helpline website wasn't much help- they suggest investing in a memory card reader which will add another ten quid to the cost of my camera and no guarentee that it will work either! Beginning to think i bought the wrong camera which is a shame as I was just learning all its little tricks and getting used to it.
Not many other buys to cheer me up. Got a Steptoe and Son video but Archie says we have it already.
Hazel is slug hunting in the front room. One of the little blighters gets in somehow and leaves shiny trails all over the rugs. She thinks he's getting in through a tiny gap in the floorboards where it meets the tiles of the hearth, so she has plugged it with some grouting. Hopefully that will stop them.
Just been watching recording of Glastonbury fest. from last night. It looked very muddy and was glad I was watching from the comfort of our settee! No real highlights , though enjoyed bits of White Stripes and the Doves.


Jonathan said...

Slugs in the house??? I've never heard of such... We have some mice, here. I'll see a little grey streak of speeding mouse, then hear him bang into something on his way to where he's going. Not the best navigator, this one...

Wastedpapiers said...

Yes, it's weird isnt it~? One wonders why they find our front room so inviting? Nothing for them to eat in there unless they are partial to Hazel's rag rugs ofcourse!
We had a good old clearout yesterday and Hazel made me bag up loads of game demos and videos we never watch or play anymore. I resisted ofcourse as i hate to throw anything away. But they are going to the charity shop so it's a good cause and gives us a bit more space for the new games and videos we shall aquire no doubt!

Jonathan said...

Right, I'm guessing that you've bought the same games and videos a few times...

Jonathan said...

What do slugs eat ???

Wastedpapiers said...

Mots of the games were demos from PS2 magazine. I dont know why we saved them really as we have enough full games to attempt to finish. I think I've only managed about three,Herdy gerdy a herding game where you have to round up animals and weird creatures an but them in pens (don't laugh!) also Medal Of Honour where you have to round up nazis and put them in pens during the second world war and Return to Castle Wolfenstein where you have to round up zombies and nazis, put them in pens and dungeons and shoot everything that moves basically. I'm still trying to beat the computer at Worms Forts but failing miserably.

Wastedpapiers said...

Slugs are very partial to quiche and mange tous.

Wastedpapiers said...

Hazel said.....
When slugs can't find my prize marigolds or sunflowers which they are very partial to.....they eat anything organic they can find....which in the living room is paper and edges of books..
No slug trails found so far since the great slug hunt.fingers x'd
I think really tiny ones were squeezing up through a really tiny gap near an air vent.....why they come in is a mystery..
I found a dried dead one once!!