Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Sandstone Trail

Nice walk along the Sandstone Trail from Delamere to a small farmyard cafe over towards Willington? Will and Adela showed us where it was and led the way. We definately needed our walking boots as the ground was very tricky with roots of gnarled trees and boulders strewn along the way - not to mention the muddy puddles. Passed the riding course and stables up some steep hills and down again into a bit called the Urchins Kitchen which was an gulley carved out during the ice age with big impressive rocks either side. You can see it in this short film. The film is longer but Flickr doesn't allow any films longer than 90 seconds for some reason.
Will led us a merry dance through the undergrowth and brambles until we came out almost where we started! Thankfully a rest and a nice lunch at the cafe which was packed with ramblers and cyclists with Lycra shorts on - what a din. We wore our Halloween masks that W &A brought along for a photo opportunity . Delicious cheese and tuna toasties and we shared a slab of cake. The pressed apple juice was nice too.
Will and Adela showed us the various edible and non-edible fungi en route which they cleverly spotted in the undergrowth. The Stinkhorn and the Fly Alegaric? Followed by very mad bouncy dogs.

Our local dentist blew up yesterday apparently - a gas explosion! Luckily it happened after the clocks were put back an hour at 7:30am- an hour later and the dentist would be full of teeth!
I have an appointment for next week so expect it will be postponed now. Not sure how badly damaged the inside was.

Went for a walk to town and back this morning before the rain. Quite mild still for November. Got a few bits from Quality Save including some balsamic vinegar to make some more onion pickle - the last lot is almost gone. Also some cheap films from the Age Concern shop - Spiders and some old Mighty Mouse cartoons.

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