Monday, October 18, 2010

Pretty Typical

Valves and more valves! Archie continued his valve obsession with more this weekend from the Antique Fair- the same stall we bought his birthday valves from . He was able to see for himself the strange hirsute man behind the stall and try and haggle with him. He did finally get a small discount for being persistent. Hazel though was annoyed that his penny banks had gone up in price by a third! It seemed a big jump in just a week. Obviously the credit crunch is beginning to bite. Can we blame the government? Yes I think we can. Absolutely outrageous that antiques have shot up in price.

I am joking ofcourse.
I didn't find any bargains though toyed with the idea of buying a 78 for two quid but seemed a bit steep really. Audrey bought a small blue saucer and some postcards for Granma. We were subjected to Tescos afterwards for our sins.
I don't remember much about the last week. I scribbled a few words down in my diary but none of it is legible.
Something about a hippo wrestling in Aldi and gnat filing a snood?
We had a nice walk around Shackerly Mere and ignored the ducks. I took some photos of mushrooms that looked very poisonous and managed to tread in some dog poo.

A pretty typical weekend really.


Anonymous said...

well done..

Anonymous said...

The penny banks had doubled in price...a third I could have coped with

Wastedpapiers said...

Maths has never been my favourite subject!