This morning would have been ideal for a boot sale or two but none around here as far as we knew so we stayed in and read the dreadful Sunday Mail which I only bought as it had a free DVD of "Time Bandits" by Terry Gilliam inside.
This afternoon we drove over to Carey Park for a walk to the River Weaver and wander through the silver birch woods. The factory on the other side of the river was particularly smelly today - an awful oxide sort of smell. It could have been poisonous for all we knew. We didn't stay long and walked back past the archery range and the delightful plastic bottle trail. Hazel had emptied all her crusts into the bushes ( for the mice and voles ) and collected up the discarded crisp packets, milk cartons and fag packets on the way back like a good citizen. I think she used to be a Girl Guide.
Archie managed to loose his expensive sun glasses during one particular dexterous plastic bottle grabbing manoeuvre. Maybe just after this tree hugging incident (above ).
So we spent ages re-tracing our steps and stoops to find them. Luckily no dogs ( of which there were many ) fouled them with a nasty surprise and Archie found them safe and well in the undergrowth, blinking in the sunlight.
This detour was most unexpected and quite fun as we were able to look at the photos I had taken on the way round to discover the exact point where the glasses vanished from Archies neck. Mind you, we only realised this after about 15 minutes of looking!