Went to the sorting office this morning to help Treena with the mail art exhibition. I took down the Handy Postcards and put up the feet shaped postcards I"ve been sent for the "Let Your Postcards Do The Walking" project. The deadline was next March but a month has gone by without any new participation so seems a good time to bring the proejct to a close and show all the cards I have accumulated. It took ages juts to take down the hands and peel off the Blu-Tak from them . Treena put up the Post Office project she's been doing for the last few months. Lots of people came in to collect parcels and make enquiries about change of address issues etc. so it was nice to see that the work gets seen if only for a few moments.
Home again to see if Archie was o.k. He'd made himself a toasted cheese sandwich so he wasn't hungry thankfully.
Hazel e-mailed to say she'd been to a lecture at the Cornerhouse. It sounded extremely tedious and dull. The students thought so too apprently. Her cough is getting better and we managed to get some sleep last night which made a nice change!
I tried to encourage Archie out to get some fresh air but he was on that wretched Rune-Scape all afternoon with short interlude watching "Who's Line Is It Anyway" on Dave.
Ah, we're enjoying the re-runs of 'Whose Line is it Anyway' too, and QI. Sorry to hear there's poorliness in your house, hope all are well again soon. Good, hearty soups should do the trick :)
HAzel Said...Hello Adele...My cough is getting less..nearly all the students have been proper poorly with it!
hows that lovely boy??
I expect Archie and I will be next! I havent made any soup for ages. Good idea!
QI's on tonight, actually. I've just cooked my famous (well, it's famous in our house) golden vegetable curry. It'll be ready in half an hour or so.
Funnily enough, have just had a little email flurry with Chris Donald, who did some of the drawings in the new QI book. Which is fairly interesting I think.
Or maybe not.
Hope you're all feeling a bit better today.
You'll have to send your curry recipe Roger- we are intrigued- sounds like its got loads of saffron and turmeric in?
Just back from Manc. John Hegley was on top form as one would expect. Hazel took some photos and maybe uplaod one tomorrow.
QI is good fun. Looking forward to that. Quite tired now though as Hazels coughing kept me awake and had to get up at 5-45 to get train this morning. Yawn!
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