Our shed is nearly empty now ready for it's imminent destruction.
Walked into town this morning under a leaden sky. No chance to take any photos. I feel a bit intrusive taking them of shop fronts though I'd quite like to.Maybe I"ll do it on a weekday when it's quieter and hang the camera round my neck on it's chain to enable a quick getaway.
Didnt find many bargains. The Booksale shop had lots of Beanos and Dandys but Archie has them already for Christmas. Auntie "A" was miffed that now you could get them for next to nothing and she paid the full price a couple of months ago!
One of our many sheds, packed to bursting!
HAZEL said
Oops yes I must tidy that shed out one day soon....!!!
Yes, moving stuff from one shed to another just doesnt count!
Oh dear, that's how I clean my desks... from one pile to the other...
I used to feel very camera shy at first, but now I just shoot away. I always ask permission from the shop owner if I can snap some photos. 99% say yes, but there is always that one strange person who will say no. For outdoor shots, I like going out early on Sunday morning when there are very few cars out and the shops have not opened yet.
Yes, a good idea to ask first. I was trying to be sneaky and I'm not very good at being clandestine! I have'nt had much chance to get out to take any photos with Archie being ill. He's still off school today but hoping he will be well enough tomorrow.
You could pretend to photgraphing someone who happens to be standing in front of the shop.
You need a stooge.
Are you volunteering Roger?
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