Thursday, June 27, 2024

Phillumenists Unite!

So this makes a nice change - a mysterious parcel arrives and it turns out to be a collection of old matchbox labels and magazines sent from France by a "friend" on Facebook. A nice letter explains he promised me these years ago but it's news to me. Seems he stayed with us once when I was a student in Manchester in the late 60's. A friend of one of my flat mates. What a turn up! I love old ephemera of course so happy to rummage through the box and even found one with Southend Pier on the front - all fuzzy and yellow and bearing the tell take marks of degraded sellotape. The box label not the pier - although it did look a bit shabby the last time I saw it. So heres a few photos of some of the more interesting examples. We usually pop along to the phillumenists (matchbox collectors) fair that sets up stalls and has an auction in the local leisure centre every September - but we missed it last year. Its amazing how cheap they are - 5p each for beautiful Indian matchbox labels depicting elephants, tigers, temples and exotic views of Kashmir etc. Anyway, it makes a nice change from our walks round the local park!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Walk In The Park

A short walk in local park after dropping off some plastic bags to the Co-op. Not sure who made this spider sculpture but makes a handy seat. It was quite warm - made a change from the dismal weather of late.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Hippy Birdbaths To Me!

Nice day for a birthday pub lunch with friends. Sat outside at the Golden Pheasant in Plumley. The spicey tofu burger was very nice with fries. Half a pint of bitter. With old chums Tone and Pene. Hazel too of course. Then back to our back garden for the delicious choc cake that Hazel made. Cherries and a leaf bug that wandered about the table inspecting our crumbs.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Walk To Orchard And Fishing Ponds

This mornings wander round the fishing ponds in the sunshine hoping to see some baby coots but none to be seen. Just the two adult coots ( or are they moorhens?) Lots of bees in the blackberry blossom which was good to see. The distant bells of the church near Vickerway park clearly audible when the breeze was in the right direction. We sat in the orchard looking at vapour trails and tiny aircraft 7 miles up wondering where they were off to.