Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crewe Flea Market

Heres the Howard Morrison Quartet to listen to whilst you read about my exciting morning at the flea market in Crewe.
It was sunshine all the way as I rode the old donkey along the winding lanes of Cheshire. That humpty back bridge just passed the Trifle Works is always a problem but the steed circumnavigated it without any hiccups or scraping of hooves. The sparks flying from a big pony and trap last time was something to behold and I am always fearful of a jugganaut or camel coming fastly in the other direction. Thankfully the by-ways were clear save for a few tawny leaves of the old bilge tree fluttering down. The Autumnals were even more astonishing this year and regreted not packing my Hasselblad.
The market was pretty busy despite being chilly and a few bargains were to be had. Some I can't begin to mention but certainly the EP by Edmundo Ros and the curios slovakian SL-UK extended play 45 with titles such as Be Gay, Girl and Song From Detva. Both turned out to be quite dreary I am sad to say.
Then the traipse round the charity shops which turned up a few more curiosities including some Pac Man badges and CD case.
Home for lunch of fried egg and mushrooms on toast. The internet was down for a couple of hours and we feared it was our fualt but a quick frustrating phone call to India soon alloyed our fears - it was a them and the trouble was being poked with a pointy stick down at the depot.

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