Two boot sales yesterday. The first was at Hartford College campus car park and not the old gravel pit they used to use but a big new space which was packed with cars so lots to see and root through. Esther and kids looked quite perplexed at first but soon got into the swing of things and bought even more stuff than we did eventually. Useful things like car seat tidys and jam pot covers, pencils and key rings. Hazel found a lovely old tin full of ancient buttons, poppers and hooks & eyes- all on original war time cards. She was delighted and they will soon be displayed on her blog no doubt.
Archie got a few books and some PC games for 50p each so he was happy. I found only one scratchy record - by Clive Dunn in his Corporal Jones from Dad's Army personna. A lot of the tracks jump too I doscovered later so not such a bargain after all! But to make up for it I also found a few games and videos including the anime "Ghost In The Shell" .
It was boiling hot so glad to get to the Verdin Park boot sale which was mostly shaded by trees. Very packed though so difficult to see much. Esther and kids also had fun finding bargains to take back with them including a virtual paint ball gun, set of drawers with stars and planets on, T-shirts etc. Archie got some "Calvin & Hobbs" strip cartoon books. Hazel found some propelling pencils and one ingenious one that had a dip pen at the other end. Sadly no vinyl here either but more games and DVD's including the excellent and very funny Catherine Tate.
It was hot and clammy though so good to get home and sort through and compare bargains. Granma and Audrey came over for tea and cake in the afternoon to show us their bargains but not the rude postcards they had bought! When they go them home they realised they were more than just the cheeky seaside postcards they expected and not the sort to send to anyone of a sensitive nature.
Later in the afternoon they all went off to feed the ducks at Shakerley but didnt get far before a thunderstorm drove them back. I had made two big pizzas meanwhile and we had them for our tea with salad. After a torrential downpour the sun came out again and it felt a bit cooler but another sticky night with little sleep.