Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mad Mouse

Archie made this animation last year when he was 12. The link on Flickr got broke so uploading using YouTube which has a wealth of amusing material if you go and browse through the hundreds of films in the archive.
It was Mother's Day today so Hazel's Mom and sister came over for Sunday lunch ( fish and chips) and some games on the console, cards and bricks. You pull a brick out at a time and wait for them to fall over. Very funny. We are easily amused obviously! Hazel managed to pounce on Flo, the smelly rabbit, and snipped off a dangly ball of poop and straw that had been bouncing around for a few days just under her tail. A Mother's Day treat! Earlier we had a brisk walk around Shakerly Mere to feed the baby swans, geese, ducks etc. who fought over the bread like it was the elixier of life! It was nice to get out whilst the sun was shining. It didn't last long though - in the afternoon the rain came down.

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