Saturday, April 27, 2024

Marsden Again

Nice but exhausting couple of days in West Yorkshire - sorting more Dave stuff and dismantling lots of Billy bookcases. Taking more books downstairs etc. Had time to have celebratory fish and chips courtesy of Dave's meal fund. Also looking out for the infamous Cuckoo Parade but we saw little sign of it. Also took Tanya along to the folk club. They allowed us to sit outside the sacred circle and listen for 30 minutes with a G&T ( Tanya had a lime and soda) . Nice bunch of folks. Hazel took some petals from Dave's garden to float in the river where Mo and his ashes were scattered ( 1st anniversary of his funeral.) Nice to be home again to rest our weary bones.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Arley Hall and Cheshire Showground

After 45 mins queuing up to go into the antique fair at the Cheshire Showground in Tabley we decided it was all too stressful and crowded so we drove to the exit and went looking for Pickmere only to find another line of cars. Apparently the fields were so waterlogged they were collectiong money at the gate so thats why it took so long. Normally we have to wait 5 mins after we have park in a field with a tent. Anyhoo- we turned down some wiggly lanes and ended up at Arley Hall that Hazel has been before but I had not. A long walk from the car park to the house. Once there we discovered it was very expensive to go in £24 for both of us and £3 car parking fee. So we enjoyed our little walk looking at the old buildings and the pheasants wandering about and went to see Hazel's Mom and sister who needed a few jobs doing.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Marbury Woods

Lovely walk in Marbury woods this morning in the sunshine. Bluebells looking good - should be even better next week. Blossom was good too. Hazel full of the joys of Spring! Lots of mad dogs and englishmen out in the early morning sun! Went a bit snap happy with the camera!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Over The Park

Just back from a wander round the local park. Lovely and sunny with a slight breeze. Found a friend on my coat - an irredescent beetle who said hellow and flew off in the direction of the canal. On the way there Hazel helped a neighbour who is 90 shift a paving slab he was struggling with. She made short work of the corner - pulverising it to dust! She is an amazing woman. I love hard work. I could stand and watch it all day long! Roy seemed very good at providing encouraging remarks as she pounded the concrete with a small hammer ( a pick axe might have been better!) Eventually progress was made and she got a corner of it up and the slab had it's defences broached. Is that the right word? Anyway, to cut a long story short we said our cheerios and popped along to the Co-op to get cat food for Hazel's sister who insists on feeding all the waifs and strays of Lostock. A walk and waving to more neighbours taking their dog Sparky for a walk. On the way back we looked in to see how Roy was doing. He'd obviously gone in for his lunch but we could see he'd managed to prize (?) up two more paving slabs! Not bad for 90 and with dodgy legs!

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Furey Woods

This mornings wanderings down the banks of the River Weaver passed the Furey Woods. A bit muddy so we didnt venture too far. Was windy but quite mild. Then some shopping around town. Found a copy of Portrait Of A Lady On Fire on DVD in a charity shop. Hazel bought some more material for quilts. Then to Lostock to sort Granma's bed out and empty bins etc. Home for plant burger on a bun smothered in burnt onions. Yum!

Thursday, April 04, 2024


Nice morning in one of our favourite towns - Nantwich - a 35 minute drive away. Its market day so pretty busy and lots to see. Said hello to the toy man. He had no toys for us today - he was enjoying his lamb and mint sauce sandwich! We got a few bargains from the table top sale in the Civic Hall - a wooden corkscrew shaped like a guardsman which made me think of my dad who was a grenadier guard and guarded Windsor Castle and various other places. Hazel got some glass beads, wire baskets for the pantry and lots of material for yet more patchwork quilts I expect. Also found a copy of "Amadeus" on DVD for 50p that we had been looking for. Pretty sure we have a copy somewhere but couldn't find it the other day. Also DVD of Prizzi's Honour - a Jack Nicholson film that I don't remember watching. Popped in the deli to see the wonderful ephemera collection and old shop display by the coffee shop at the back. Nearby was a sign that said "Beware Of Trains" on a church wall! Home again via the hospice warehouse . Hazel got some threads, thimbles and weird sewing gadget in a small basket.