Here's Adele and her first born, Hector, who was very good and slept most of the time whilst we had a good chat in the Festering Hall coffee shop. In fact the whole place seems to have been transforemd into one huge coffee shop with just a corner for some sad photos of atrocities from around the world. A warning would have been nice, especially for the kiddies.
Archie enjoyed a splash in the fountain outside the Queen Elizabeth hall and lots of screaming kids did likewise. The jest of water turend on and off in sequence so you could run from one watery quarter of square to the other. Ideal to cool you down on a hot day.
at a lovely photo of the fountains. Thanks for saying hi on flickr - it's been a while since I've caught up on your doings!
Blimey, I'm very behind on my blog reading and whatnot after our holiday...still catching up! It was lovely to see you all.
I might eventually get round to putting up some holiday photos and Sports Day pics on Flickr in the next few days, so keep an eye out.
A xx
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