Lots of traction engines like the one's here- getting up a head of steam and belching black acrid smoke everywhere. It was like going back in time. Some great rides including a steam driven "galloper" or a roundabout with horses on poles that move up and down. it also had a mechanical pipe organ at the centre which played "The Galloping Major" and other equestrian hits. The most exciting thing though was the "Wall of Death" which we'd seen before and so keen to see again as it was so thrilling to see the bikes whizz round the inside of this big wooden barrel shaped tented structure which swayed and vibrated with all the noise and adrenalin! It was amazing to see.
We had a nice picnic under a shadey tree but the grass was covered in sheeps doings so we didnt stop long!
There was an auto-jumble too with stalls selling all manner of car parts and tools etc. Hazel bought some copper sheeting to add to her supply of materials for making her gadgets and metalworks etc. Archie found some old Beanos, so he was happy.
The car was like an oven by the time we got back to it around 2.30 and we had to open the doors and windows and let it cool down for 5 minutes before we dared get inside- even then it was like climbing into a newly fired kiln!
Hazel and Archie waiting for the fun to begin at the Wall of Death.
Sounds absolutely tremendous! Hi Hazel...waving! It all sounded entertaining but I think it's the motorcycles I would love. Thanks for the pics of it, Michael!!!
Hi there. Came across this post today and have had the song "Wall of Death" going round in my head since. Noticed in your profile you like Richard Thomson. Thought I'd tell you,
regards Bren.
I dont think these cycles had silencers Syl, and inside those big drums the sound was incredible!
Thanks Bren. How could I have forgotten that great Richard Thompson song! One of my favourites.
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