Thursday, March 13, 2025

West Yorkshire

Early drive over to Lostock to pick up Audrey who hasn't been very far for ages so a bit of an adventure for her. Nice for her to see Archie and Meriels new home too. Started off at 6-45am and the sun was coming up. Hazel had to wear her special glasses as not to be dazzled too much. The weather changed several times during the day - sleet = sun - hail - sun - cloudy - rain etc. Typical Yorkshire weather! Archie cooked us lunch and Tanya came too as she was driving Hazel over to Huddersfield to see the solicitor. I had a brief shuftie round the charity shops but didnt get anything. Brrr! it were right cold! Back home again around 2 so we missed the school run. Always seems faster going back for some reason.
Dropped Audrey off and went in for a cuppa and biscuit. Home by 4-30.

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