Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday - Doodles

Typical Sunday like most week days except for the weakly trip to the Co-op for a few bits before anyone wakes up. Walked up and down outside until Hazel emerged with four bags stuffed with groceries ( some for her Mom and sister ) who are unable to get out. I helped carry bags back home. Fridge and freezer stocked up until next week. Time for a second breakfast. Later we delivered the goods to Granma and Audrey and had a chat at a safe distance. Trimmed the foliage and Hazel did some weeding. Lazy afternoon - watching TV and playing games. Hazel washed the car. More paint on the latest papier mache thingy. A daily doodle - the one copied from a Austrian? matchbox ( might be Hungarian?) Making a nut roast with all the trimmings. No wonder I'm getting so fat!

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