Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Again ?

Here it is again - Sunday comes round so fast these days!   Early start and shopping at the Co-op.  I walked about a bit to nearby park and outside until Hazel came staggering out with four bags full of stuff ( most of it was for her Mom and sister ) and I helped carry it back home.  An hour or so later we went over to Hazel's Mom's to deliver the groceries and helpt do some gardening - trimming hedges and planting flowers that Audrey had bought from the milkman ( who knew?) .  I sat in the sun for  a while I must admit.  A nurse drove up outside and asked where number 5  was.  Audrey told her it was opposite.  The old chap there had just come out of hospital and this wasa follow up visit by all accounts.  The flower beds certainly looked a lot brighter with the addition of plants and Hazel's Mom and sister could enjoy them from the window and even have to step outside which they rarely do .
A friendly robin popped by several times to see if there were any worms in the offing. At one point it hovered in front of my face!   Hazel said it was because he thought my nose wasa long twig and would make a suitable perch.  Cheek.

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