Monday, September 11, 2006

Sylvia and Jonathan visit.

Lovely to have Jonathan and Sylvia come stay for the weekend - all the way from Boston. Its been a bout 5 years since there last visit and traumatic and infamous twin towers tradegy a couple of days later after they had flown from Boston. Sadly Jonathan was feeling a bit poorly and spent much of the time drinking water - some bug picked up on the flight over maybe? We still had a good time though and took them to Nantwich for a look around this quaint old Cheshire salt town and had a long wait for tea and cheese toasties in the cafe above the bookshop in a very old wonky 15th century building. Later we explored the attic which looked even older and just used for storage up some steep narrow stairs! This is photo of it above. The following day we went to the last boot sale at Sutton Fields near Frodsham. (below) It was a nice and sunny so plenty of cars and stalls to look round. Syl got a necklace and bought Hazel a beautiful old map gauge made in Switzerland. I expect that will turn up on her blog sooner or later. I got an old scratchy record made in Hawaii of latin interpretations of chinese and japanese songs which was a bit odd. I could not resist it for 50 pence! Also some cheap blank DVD-R's. Not sure if Archie got anything. It wasa bit too crowded and so we didn't stay long. Next to the Lady Hayes Antique Centre in Frodsham for for more rummaging among the junk ( expensive junk mind you! ) and a photo opportunity at the Dr. Who exhibit.
I think Jonathan nodded off when we got home as he was so shattered. I made a curry later and we watched some old videos of Roger and Jilly singing and playing the guitar when they last came to visit. Also the video of the Killer Rabbits last gig! Oh how we laughed!
Drove Jonathan and Sylvia to Crewe station where they got the 10.35 to Cardiff. Amazed at there combined round trip ticket was only 95 quid from London to Crewe and then to Cardiff and London again. What a bargain! We went back through Crewe and popped round the charity shops again. Hazel forgot to get a clothes line which broke yesterday. She bought some clothes though and some books to read on the train including the biography of Ricky Tomlinson. I got a DVD of "Lake Placid" and a cassette of John Fahey.
Hazel has just cycled round the corner to the post office to buy a washing line at inflated corner shop prices.
Sylvia & Jonathan at car boot


Roger Stevens said...

That must mean mean I'm famous then.

Anyway - glad to hear you're all having a grand time. Love to J and S - hope Jonathan perks up soon.


Wastedpapiers said...

You are famous Roger - a mail art superstar! Big Al has just posted some photos of Jonathan and Sylvias visit to Wales and they look like they are having a good time.

Big Al Davies said...

You are all famous , we talked about both of you-all good stuff you will be pleased to know.