Luckily, about half way there we noticed a poster for one at Sutton Fields on today so we went there - past all the roadkill which included a poor badger with his legs in the air and two squashed squirrels.
The Sutton Fields boot sale is usually quite large and busy but only half the cars there today. I didn't find much but Hazel got a bag of metal gizmo's including a coin safe for threepenny bits, old sixpences and florins etc. Also a rack of grinding thingies for drills. Burring tools. I don't think she'll use them - they are more for show and will look good in the new workshop. Archie got a putter and some golf balls which he has belted into the undergrowth and lost as soon as he got home.
They are both in the garden now - pottering and burning things with the magnifyling glass. Archie is doing most of the burning. I used to do it when I was his age so I'm sure he will grow out of it and we are not encouraging a potential arsonist!
Fricr is up the creek again so can't add a photo today but will find some music to add. I looked through piles of scratchy vinyl today but didn't buy anything. I must be getting more fussy in my old age?
Jay Wilbur Band - Wah-Hoo
Jack Payne Band - My Brother Makes the Noises For the Talkies
These You Send It files are available for seven days or until exhausted.
Here is Archie using the sun's healing rays to weld the body and legs back on a plastic soldier with a magnifying glass.
My Brother makes the noises... got that by the Bonzos. Nice track. I'll have a go at downloading it.
We ran a treasure hunt today which was a glorified walk around the surrounding countryside. Twelve friends and four of their children. The weather was gorgeous. A great day.
Archie... boys, eh?
Schmart kid that Archie!
Wish I lived with somebody who too wanted to go thrift second hand hunting! :-) Flickr is nuts today! :-/
Way to go Archie.
Yes, I have the Bonzos track and another by someone else who's name escapes me for the moment. Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band, remember them?
Granma and Auntie Audrey are the real knitters in the family - all our jumpers and cardies are from them. When Archie was a baby they were constantly click-clacking away and made tons of romper suits and wooly hats etc. No stripey long socks as far as I know though?
Archie was picked to go with two girls from his class to promote the High School to his old junior school today which made us think they do notice that he is well behaved and clever. You wonder sometimes with such big classes that they notice anyone.
Well, I'll have a go at your music too...As for Archie, despite his fascination for "cooking" his legos, seems quite often to be recogized as a bright, interesting young man. I imagine that he shall really succeed, whatever he chooses. Meantimes, might want to keep an extinguisher handy!
He is a treasure despite being very moody and finicky sometimes. He just came in from school - said he got an "A" today for his guitar practising. he got a "B' last time so getting better all the time. he does tend to flit from one thing to another though - a bit like me in that respect. He hasnt done any animation for a while but I'm sure he'll get back into it again soon - maybe with added guitar soundtrack!? If only we could figure out how to make the microphone work!
Soondey, Mey 15, 2005
Bout sele-a treeel leeds tu Frudshem. Bork Bork Bork!
Nu bout seles edfertised in zee lucel peper su ve-a deceeded tu gu fur a dreefe-a oofer tu Frudshem feea Veeferhem tu see-a iff ve-a cuoold sput uny.
Loockeely, ebooot helff vey zeere-a ve-a nuticed a puster fur oone-a et Soottun Feeelds oon tudey su ve-a vent zeere-a - pest ell zee ruedkeell vheech inclooded a puur bedger veet hees legs in zee eur und tvu sqooeshed sqoourrels.
Zee Soottun Feeelds bout sele-a is usooelly qooeete-a lerge-a und boosy boot oonly helff zee cers zeere-a tudey. I deedn't feend mooch boot Hezel gut a beg ooff metel geezmu's incloodeeng a cueen seffe-a fur threepenny beets, oold seexpences und flureens itc. Elsu a reck ooff greending theengies fur dreells. Boorreeng tuuls. I dun't theenk she'll use-a zeem - zeey ere-a mure-a fur shoo und veell luuk guud in zee noo vurkshup. Ercheee-a gut a pootter und sume-a gulff bells vheech he-a hes belted intu zee undergroot und lust es suun es he-a gut hume-a.
Zeey ere-a bot in zee gerdee noo - puttereeng und boorneeng theengs veet zee megneeffyling gless. Ercheee-a is dueeng must ooff zee boorneeng. I used tu du it vhee I ves hees ege-a su I'm soore-a he-a veell groo oooot ooff it und ve-a ere-a nut eecuooregeeng a putentiel ersuneest!
Freecr is up zee creek egeeen su cun't edd a phutu tudey boot veell feend sume-a mooseec tu edd. I luuked thruoogh peeles ooff scretchy feenyl tudey boot deedn't booy unytheeng. I moost be-a getting mure-a foossy in my oold ege-a?
Jey Veelboor Bund - Veh-Huu
Jeck Peyne-a Bund - My Bruzeer Mekes zee Nueeses Fur zee Telkeees
Zeese-a Yuoo Send It feeles ere-a efeeeleble-a fur sefee deys oor until ixhoosted.
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