Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Walk To The Orchard

Sunny walk this morning to the community orchard so Hazel could pick some apples for crumbles and sauce etc. She might give some to Audrey who enjoyed the apple sauce with pork the other day. Sat on bench to watch a goods train rumble passed on the embankment nearby. It's a very quite line - just for transporting salt and other minerals to the factory in Crewe or maybe Middlewich. Then a cicuit round the fishing pond that is quickly filling with invasive weeds which is a shame. Not much fishing going on if that keeps up! Spotted a flappy moth on the path. Rescued it and put in nearby tree so it doesn't get trodden on. The cornfield is doing well - up to an elephants eye or maybe its tail. Hazel hid herself in it for a photo. She's bonkers - probably why we get on so well after all these years.

1 comment:

Star said...

Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful posts