Saturday, December 28, 2024

Blakemere - Pete Waterman's Train Set

Nice drive over to Blakemere this afternoon to have a wander round the Pete Waterman's Train Set ( only it's not called that ) in a barn. A bit pricey but amusing for kids of all ages - especially if you like model trains. Plenty of people do apparently by the queues of folk trying to get in. We lasted 20 minutes and that was enough. Hazel said she spotted Pete chatting to the punters but all these chubby balding middle aged blokes look the same so it could have been someone else? Anyway, afterwards we went round the antique emporiums which were also crowded so not much to see and no bargains. We came home and had tea and chocolate log.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Xmas Eve Walk To River Dane

The joys of Xmas Eve down the River Dane. The willow horse ( or is it an aardvark? ) was a treat to see. We arranged some of it's mane that looked a bit wayward. A few coots and ducks on the pond but no swans swimming or geese a laying. Phew! It was quite warm and I felt very hot in my duffle coat, furry hat and scarf! Not been out for a while being poorly with a cold ( or man flu?) so nice to stretch ones legs. Now the nut roast to make for tomorrow. Its all go!

Friday, December 20, 2024


Here we are in December already and nearly the festive season. It soon comes round when you are full of colds and bugs. Its been a nasty few weeks of Covid and now man flu ( or lady flu ? it's hard to tell them apart ) The booster jabs have little or no effect. Anyway I wont go into the gory details. Lovely to have Archie home for a few days - here he is with his Mom - lighting up the traditional fuse. Or trying to. Soggy paper? Soggy fuse? maybe just a impregnated doily? A coaster? We shall probably never know. Anyway we shall attempt to eat drink and be merry despite all the germs and bugs. Same to you!