Sunday, March 06, 2022

Nantwich - Again!

Yes, another morning in Nantwich - this tie on a Saturday. \\\\\\\It was very busy but we managed to avoid people who had no masks on. If a shop seems too busy we declined to go in until a bit later when it was less crowded..........The market was busy and the toy man seemed pleased to see us but we didnt buy anything this time. He enjoyed selling things to our chum Tony he said. We are spreading the word about you we said. The Civic hall was busy but with spangly girls doing a dance-a-thon or something so we escaped to the charity shops. Not much in the way of bargains. We bumped into our old neighbour Katie just outside the market selling hospice lucky tickets or something. On the way home we stopped off at the hospice to have a mooch. Hazel found a tin of bobbins and spools of brightly coloured cotton and other sewing stuff. There wasa man singing "The Young Ones" - the old Cliff Richard hit in the market square ( outside the church ) very badly. I should have mentioned that earlier!

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