Thursday, January 09, 2020

Timberlog Lane

Got all nostalgic when I saw this photo on the Pitsea FB group this morning. Childhood memories came flooding back of the greasy cafe with a juke box blaring out The Everly Brothers at the end of Luncies Road where we lived in the late 50's - you can just see the end of it where the second group of figures stand in the middle distance. Opposite was an old convenience store that sold everhting from sherbet dabs to packets of OMO ( a washing powder ) parafin, baked beans, shoe laces, penny chews etc. A dirt track by the side of it went up the shallow hill to the centre of town. Somewhere along there wasa hut that used to have a youth club I joined for a while. You could buy fizzy pop and play records - old battered 78's - of Elvis and Cliff etc. One game was having to find tiny objects to fit in a match box - the one who got the most won a prize. I forgot how leafy and tree lined it was. Now all gone of course. You can just see some of the bungalows and decrepid houses that were around at the time - many were empty and due for demolition - perfect places for children to play and fall down wells and go scrumping in the huge fruit tree filled back gardens. Housing estates followed and the whole area changed completely.

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