Monday, November 05, 2018

35th Anniversary

It's November 5th again so must be anniversity time! Blimey, the years just fly past! Pictured is the lovley embroidered Ferdie The Fly and Love Token from Hazel and my collaged card. Not one of my best efforts I must admit. Hazel is poorly with a nasty cold so we didn't go out to any fireworks - luckily the local display could be seen from our back garden so just popped outside ( as it wasn't too cold ) to see the few rockets and whizz bangs. Hazel was off work today as she still felt awful. Hopefully I won't catch it! Flu jab on Thursday - just in the nick of time! Maybe last years jab is still working - hope so! So it's warmed up potato and cheese pie I made the other day and some salad. Perhaps a home made mince pie for dessert.

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