Monday, February 20, 2017


Always a treat to see our old chums Tony and Pene in Alsager. Our last visit was cancelled at the last minute as Pene was ill with a tummy bug but thankfully she is recovered and able to cook a delicious lunch. Tony made the nut roast which was delicious also - with all the trimmings. Apple tart and selection of home made ice creams for "pudding". We had to have a walk afterwards to feel like some of the calories were burnt off! Down the Salt Line nearby for a stroll past many walkers and dogs, cyclists etc. and back again round the lake and over the fly invested field near the local tip. (This bit wasn't the best!) I shouldn't have had the beer for lunch as it made me sleepy. Archie too who was suffering from post driving stress as he bravely drove all the way. Although it's not far ( 15 miles or so ) it felt like a hundred to him! Anyway, slumped on the settee having tea and lemon drizzle cake ( back come the calories!) we watched some old video Tony had found of us back in our courting days of the 80's looking very young and fresh faced - watching the rabbit scamper across the Eve's carpet. Also old film of kinetic scupltures made in Tony's first year at Falmouth art school back in the 60's. Quite a nostalgia fest! Considering a soundbar for our less than adequate TV so Tony checked out the Which guide for best bargains. Looks like Samsung do a cheapish one. Something to consider. Back home my 4.30. Hazel drove.

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